55. Like our non-stop fights, our love is also unstoppable...

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Love means to have a worst argument with you and realize the fact that I can argue a lot to have you in my life always...

Our love is sharpened by our fights and strengthened with our care...

Behind all our stupid fights and worthless arguments, lies our hidden love and possesiveness on each other....


Pragya quickly wears the earrings and check herself in the mirror, whether she is looking great or not.. She blows a kiss to herself admiring her beauty and a teasy smirk errupts in her face unknowingly, to flaten Abhi with her looks...

She giggles on seeing Abhi's photo as if saying that how long he is going to run away from her and its not far that he had to surrender  to her one day and convey his love for her... She picks up her wallet and mobile and carefully checks everything inside the flat and locks the flat door....

Pragya is completely startled as she hears a big, thunderous sound of the door being locked harshly in the opposite side... What makes Pragya to gasp in shock is that, she hears a slapping sound, followed by a shrilling cry of a girl... Pragya doesn't know how to react and she is about to knock the door to see who they are...

But the continuous buzzing sound of her phone really made her to back off and she runs hurriedly and took the lift... She couldn't control her laughter as Abhi is messaging her with some really good (bad) words and threatened to leave her, if she didn't reach the car within five minutes....

Pragya makes a teasing smile when she nears the car... However hard she tries, she couldn't control her laughter on seeing the angry avatar of Abhi, who is fuming like a volcano and is killing pragya with his looks...

 However hard she tries, she couldn't control her laughter on seeing the angry avatar of Abhi, who is fuming like a volcano and is killing pragya with his looks

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Pragya shruggs her shoulders, showing off her attitude and gets inside the car... She pulls Abhi's cheeks all of a sudden and blows a flying kiss startling Abhi to the core....

Pragya: Aww.... My baby monkey is looking so cute like an angry bird... 😂😂😂😂😂...  Such a cutie pie, you are Abhi.... You don't know how to get angry too.... Be smart enough and learn  from your fuggy....

Pragya lifts her fake collars and shows her tongues out, irking him to the core... Abhi grits his teeth angrily and starts the car harshly making pragya to jerk up....

Pragya: Arrey... Cool down monkey... Why this much anger??? Poor car is crying on seeing your silly anger na... Shall I give water to cool you, baby monkey...

Abhi: Dont irritate me, devil... How long I've been waiting for you?? Am I looking like a driver to you??? You took  long time to dress up and is way too casual to come down and annoying me too much...

Don't you know, we are having a biggest meeting today and we need to meet our Partner Richard and the formal meet with the employees too... Remember this is going to be our  first step towards our biggest and long term dream....

Arrogancy Vs Attitude - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now