Whenever Stiles brings out his new blue eyes, Scott flinches and looks away. After Allison's death they are starting to drift apart, right when assassins begin coming in droves to cash in on a Deadpool that has all of their names on it. Scott goes o...
Hours after Laura had visited her uncle, he had burst through his open window after the moonlight hit him and went to seek her out. The first part of his plan had worked. She had told him of a mark of vendetta appearing and she had come to look into it like he had wanted and she had come alone which made it better. When he got to the woods, he tracked her scent down and found a bundle of her clothes. He then found that nearby Laura's scent was mixed with that of a wolf. Which must have meant that she was combing the woods as a fully shifted wolf. She had tapped into that power just like her mother, his sister. He lied in wait, nearby until he caught the sound of something pouncing through the air and landing nearby. He could barely contain his excitement as he heard the footsteps coming closer. He heard her call out his name as she shifted back and, when she was close enough, he pounced. Tore into her and gazed into her dimming crimson eyes and looked out as his own eyes glowed with a red light.
The power filled Peter and he could already feel himself start to heal internally. His external wounds would take more time. His ability for rational thought had been slowly returning but, this new surge of power, helped him think clearer and longer than he had been able to for years. He looked down at the corpse of his niece and knew what had to be done. After Laura's body was prepared to look like she had been butchered by a hunter in order to throw his no doubt incoming nephew. At the hospital, Laura had told him that it had been just the two of them. She hadn't created any new betas, and was planning to start soon, here. As he dragged Laura's halves off to separate parts of the woods, he thought that was a great idea. The full moon was approaching and his ability for thought would get better in time and power. A pack would help in the latter and he would start tomorrow night. The moon was nearly full and it rose again the following night, Peter felt something more than just his own power. He found that he had taken Laura's ability to shapeshift as well, and his fractured mind manipulated and changed it for his own ends. He then took off for the woods to find some easy and isolated passerbys to recruit to his pack and further increase his power and mind.
What he, or Laura, couldn't have accounted for was how her last great leap off that edge before she transformed back had left quite the impression into the ground. Landing on her front paws had paved them deep into the moist forest floor. And, the following day, there had been on and off light showers. Fresh rain water was steadily gathering up in those prints up until they were filled with water come nightfall.
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The lower half of Laura Hale had been found by joggers, which had been reported to the police, which had been overheard by the Sheriff's son, Stiles. His appetite for challenges and adventure invigorated him to try and find the other half before his father and his deputies did. But, he couldn't go alone. He had to bring his best friend Scott along for the ride. While he was reluctant as he wanted to prepare for the long awaited lacrosse tryouts the next day, Scott didn't feel like letting Stiles go alone, especially when he was so excited for one last crazy time before school started again. But he kept trying to talk Stiles out of it, even as they were stomping through the dark. But then they ran into a set of circumstances that caused the two of them to separate from each other.