Devil's Ravine

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"I've heard that he was away during these times of trouble. Is this true?"

"He took some time off to be with his family."

"What about the Village? Did he leave the people defenseless while criminal activity is at an all-time high?"

"No, of course not. Tsunade and Kakashi are back in office giving us a hand."

"I believe they're not a suitable replacement for Naruto." Shikamaru was baffled by the Daimyo words.

"But sir-"

"Naruto is the only one who can truly rally the people and in terms of power well, no one comes close. I want you to locate him and bring him back."

"Sir, he does have the right to take days off."

"I've already given him time to grieve. Now he must focus on the Village needs, stop these Terrorists and keep me protected. That is his purpose, his mission. If he doesn't fulfill his duties then I will have no problem in finding someone who will."

Shikamaru gritted his teeth. The nerve of this guy. Threatening his friend just because he wanted to be with his family.

"That won't be necessary."

"Good. I have other business to attend, so do me a favor and bring him back to work asap. I don't want to be here any longer."

"Sure, I'll do what I can."

The Daimyo left the room and his bodyguards followed him. Once they left Shikamaru sat down and took a deep breath. He knew Naruto set him up and purposely avoided this whole ordeal. He wanted to repay him in some way but with the task he just received, it is better to leave him be.


Hinata was sitting on the edge of a building staring at the night sky. The Moonlight reflecting off her mask. She could see everything below her by using her Byakugan. She needed to make this quick with Naruto dedicating more time at home her personal mission has been made more difficult. Spotting her targeted location she jumps off the building and made her way to an abandoned house, the home of Sumire Kakei.

Using her extended vision Hinata observed the inside. She spotted Sumire in a hidden room in the basement working with Ninja tools. Phasing through the walls she quietly reached the basement careful not to alarm her. Sumire was entranced with her work, oblivious to the intruder behind her. Hinata slowly got closer with the intent of incapacitating her.

The ground starts shaking and the wall crumbles away. From the cracks, Negative Chakra slips through. A loud roar echoes through the basement as Hinata took cover from the rumble falling at her. Once everything calmed down Hinata came out and look around shocked by her new surroundings. It was a large cave system with roots covering the area. A faint light illuminates the cave as if was dawn but there was no sign of a light source. Hinata heard laughter, she looks up and see's Sumire on a stalagmite with a flat surface.

"Well, what do we have here? A visitor? I hate it when people come uninvited."

"Where am I?"

"You're in my world now. You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide." Negative Chakra emitted from her body. She pointed at the Vigilante with water building at the tip of her finger. With a twisted smile, she asked the Vigilante a question. "Tell me. Do you fear death?"

A large gush of water was launched at Hinata. Pushing the ruble away she able to roll dodging the attack.

"Sumire, stop! I don't want to fight you!"

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