A Nervous Date for Nash

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Next Morning

I woke up pretty early. I slept like a rock though. I looked over to see Nash sleeping so soundly. I didnt want to wake him so i just layed there and i was happy about it. I scooted up close and cuddled him.

I just layed there counting his heartbeats when I heard him take a deep breath and then groan.

"Good morning my little tease." He says then kisses me on the nose.

"I am not a tease you are." I say defensivly.

"How?" He stares at me.

"You wont tell me where my panties went." He looked at me with his big blue eyes and just blushed.

"Fine." He said just kindof excepting defeat. I have him wrapped around my finger.

Nash's POV

Man I dont think I could ever get enough of Alice. Shes sweet, funny, tough ,gentle ,smart ,and above all she is great in bed. No one has ever gotten me like this. I think I love her. I want her to be mine.

I was going to ask her to her dinner with me tonight. I guess I could ask her to be official tonight. Im gunna do it. I full of nerves though. She just brings me to my knees. I should be able to do this. I mean I have been able to do it with her why is talking bringing me down?

"Hey you okay?" Alice asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yeah can I ask you a question?" I ask as I look into her big green eyes. Damn they make me tounge tied every time.

"Sure what?" She asked as she cuddled closer.

"You uh... want... to maybe go to dinner with me and Cam in his date... I mean you dont have to if you dont want to its not that big of a deal if you dont I mean I would understand..." She cut me off with a kiss. I kindof like getting cut off like that now.

"Of course I would like to. You dont need to be nervous. I wouldnt want to go with any one else." She said as she kissed me again making me smile.

We kindof went for a round 2.

/\/\//\/\//\/\//\/\//\/\// later in the day

Alice's POV

After hanging with Mom and Dinnah for a while I saw what time it was then bolted up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Mom said while petting Dinnah.

"I have a double date with Nash in a bit."

"Oh who else is going on the date?"

"Cam and his date."

"Okay. I hope you have fun im going out too."

"Where and with who?" I asked midstep.

"A mechanic who I work with. He is actually quite sweet."

"Okay mommy would it be impossible for you to take this nice and slow."

"You know I sometimes believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast." She kissed me on the cheek and walked off. I followed to my rom and started to get ready.

I put on a simple floral dress with a pair of leather boots. I didnt put on much make up. Just some concealer, eyeliner, masara and pale pink lipstick. I then put my hair up in a high pony tail and put in a pale pink bow. I went down to my sitting room and packed my small purse with just the essentials. My lipstick, phone, wallet, and most importiantly a condom because with Nash you never know.

I heard a knock at the door and ran down to answer the door.

Nash was standing at the door with a big smile on his face. He had on a dress jacket with just a button up shirt underneath and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and black vans.

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