I had to be.

"Kyra and Cortez should be dying soon," She winked at me and I furrowed my eyes in confusion, wondering if this had something to do with what Jose was planning to tell me. "Then it'll be your turn." She swiveled a silver bowl around in her hand, some sort of liquid inside of it. "Then your power will be mine." She grinned, watching my reaction. I felt betrayed by someone who I thought I knew. I was upset because it was my fault. "Don't look so sad, boo. Not even you couldn't have known." She being Veronica, traced a finger along my cheek and I recoiled back in disgust, the action causing more blood to gush out of the back of my head and I felt dizzy.

Where was Jose? 

"It was all planned from the start, Kaiden," Veronica chuckled darkly as she stood. "It was quite surprising to see how much you trusted me, how much faith you had in me." She clicked her tongue before shaking her head. "You had such a big heart for me and I," She tilted her head with a cruel smirk directed towards me. "Just couldn't help but take all that you were worth." She snickered and I could feel my heart dropping. 

"You remember that time where you found me in the woods?" She raised a brow and I slowly nodded. "I wasn't in danger or in need of anything. I was merely looking for someone who would fall in my trap and it just happened to be the next Alpha in the line of the Scarred Eyes pack, Kaiden West." She mocked me in that conniving voice of hers and I damned myself to hell for not listening to Jose's warning. "I'm sure you can feel your strength fading," She peered into my face and I could see the iris of her eye turned black while the white part turned into a gray. "I'm sure you can feel your heartbeat slowing down," She reached a hand out, her palm glowing with a yellow light as she held it directly across from the hole in my stomach, hot and fiery pain shriveling up my core like cold ice. It felt like I had to cough but nothing was coming out. Everything was squeezing so tightly and I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything.

"Soon it will feel like nothing." Veronica clutched her hand, the light flowing towards her now as she inhaled with a hum, her skin started to glow in iridescent essence. I couldn't breathe. Why couldn't I breathe! I started trying to gasp, trying to hit her and make her stop, but I couldn't move. Someone help! 

I was sputtering, seeing Luca sitting there with a look of fear on his face as he looked so hopeless, begging for a miracle to come. It felt like I was choking and I tried to grab at the ground, feeling my heartbeat slowing down, the blood in my veins cooling to a halt. "Then your power will be mine." Veronica snorted as she rasped in a husky voice, the light filling all of her pores as my skin began to dry and dry. "Don't worry, Kaiden. I'll take very good care of my pack." She chuckled as dots began to cover my vision, panic, and adrenaline filling my core as I tried to fight for survival. My throat was closing and blood began to spew out of the corner of my lips. 

"Goodbye, Kaiden." She whispered as I began to feel very tired and drowsy. Was this it? It had to be.

There was no longer any light at the end of the tunnel. As I closed my eyes to her salacious grin, that was the last thing I would see.


There was a loud noise and then quiet chanting as the door to the dungeon caved in with a kick. Who was there? I couldn't open my eyes and I couldn't smell anything, but I could hear Luca screaming in joy as his chains began to unravel. I heard loud screaming coming from Veronica as the sound of burning flesh crinkled into my ear. She started to wail and I could feel pieces of body parts falling around me. "Alpha, beta, omega, nos sententiam te mori," There was soft chanting and I recognized the voice. 

On His Demand {manxman}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें