Chapter 1

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The woman knew exactly what she needed to do. After Ricardo Irving's task was done she would have to exterminate him, that is if he actually manages to complete his task. She quietly hopped over towards the doors where the guard seemed be waiting for her.

She tilted her head to the side as she endured the guard yelling at her with a amused smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Just open the doors alright? I have a job to do."

The guard scoffed and shook his head. The woman knew this action all too well. He wanted an explanation. "The three that entered earlier, I believe their names were Chris Redfield, Sheva Alomar and Mito yes? I'm there backup."

The doors suddenly opened and the woman smiled at how idiotic the guard was. She walked and caught Chris's voice. Were they this slow?


The trio made their way to the first destination: The Butcher Shop. But everything seemed quiet, too quiet. The only thing that Mito could hear was a far away radio. She didn't like this sudden silence...

As Mito and Chris turned around the silence turned out to be the cause of everyone disappearing. Only leaving a woman with a long white jacket behind. "Who's that?" Sheva questioned, making the woman look up and quickly run away in another direction.

"Wait. Those eyes..."

They were a different shade of purple from Mito's. You see, Mito's eyes were violet while the woman's was lavender. They seemed beautiful and curious but also familiar.

Chris had seen it too as he quickly glanced at Mito to try and confirm what he seen. She nodded and then glanced back at where the woman once stood. It seemed only natural that Sheva turned around and asked the two if they were okay.

"Yeah. Now c'mon, we need to go into the butcher shop." They entered, meeting up with butcher himself.

"Good. Your all here, come."

"I have your weapons for you here." The butcher said, nodding his head to the case where the weapons were located. "Check them."

Chris opened the case and handed everyone their armour. Chris and Sheva then grabbed a handgun while Mito grabbed a shotgun.

Sheva checked her gun, before looking up at the butcher. "Destination coordinates?" She asked. "Town square, just up ahead."


The butcher suddenly had a question of his own. And he gazed at the three BSAA agents before speaking. "Do any of you know about Uroboros?"

"...." Mito didn't answer, she couldn't. She pretended as if she didn't hear the question and reloaded her shotgun. "Some rumor about a doomsday project..." Chris answered.

The butcher nodded. "Doomsday sounds about right. But apparently it is no rumor." He replied.

"Your kidding..." Mito snarled. She was fuming, dieing and now this? She knew that Wesker's death was to good to be true. She could feel it. It has Albert Wesker written all over it.

"The rest are waiting for you. So you better hurry it up." The butcher turned, sending them a short smile before exiting and closing the door behind him.

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