chapter 1: two sugars or one

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of abuse and rape. attempted S.A.⚠️


November 2, 2018
Houston, TX 11:56 pm

"Mmmm I can't wait to eat!" Ariana squeals rubbing her hands together, basically drooling. She needed all the energy she can get for tonight, her and her fiancé had great plans.

"Me neither babe." Zayn grins mischievously at the young vocalist his mind on other things. Ariana matches his smile chuckling a little letting out a small, "I bet." She wipes her sweaty hands on her big sweatshirt hoping no one was here to interrupt their celebratory dinner.

Ariana love her fans so much, and it's evident so as corny as it is, she wants privacy sometimes too. With that on her mind she walks through the door Zayn opened for her. She could nearly cry it was basically empty with the exception of a few older couples.

"This is great, no interruptions." Zayn sighs in relief with his hand on his heart. "I knew this was the perfect place, ugh my mind!" Ariana giggles at his words walking up to the hostess.

"Hi! Table for two babe!" She gives the woman at the stand a warm smile with her requests. The young woman looks up from her nails and her eyes widen slightly. The hostess clears her throat and put on a wide false smile, "Hello! My name is Jane, right this way!" Zayn cringed a little at how pitched her voice have gotten within seconds.

"Here you are, I'll be sending a waitress your way in a second. Here are the menus before I go what would y'all like to drink?" Ariana hums giving Zayn a look. 'Wait hostess do this? Probably so, haven't been to a restaurant in a while.'

"Uhm I'd like a tea and 10 packs of sweeteners." Ariana shakes her head at her corny fiancé chuckling before answering, "Can I get the same please? But I want extra sweeteners." Jane smiles hard again before walking away. Her face occupies its usual stale and mean face.

"Hey candy loser you're up, table 9. Two lemonades 25 packs of sweeteners, I thought I might do a charitable thing and get their drink orders for you." Jane smirks internally knowing the young woman would embarrass herself.

"O-okay Jane." "Candy loser" stutters nervously, 'she knows how I am around people and she's usually mean to me. Why would she do that?" She wouldn't. Cherri wasn't dumb, she might've been naive sometimes but she knew what was up. If they need sweeteners they obviously want tea.

Feeling proud of herself Cherri fixed two cups of tea with 25 sugars. Jane huffs seeing the girl not fall for her little trick. 'No matter, I'll get you later.' An evil smirk find its way onto her face.

Ariana and Zayn were currently in a serious conversation that might shock many people in the near future. "Wait what? You want to have a what?"

Ariana smiles brightly at him before answering, "You heard me, I want to have a- wait you smell that? Did we order cookies?" Before Zayn could answer the Italian, a stuttering voice interrupted him.

"Uhm e-excuse me? Here are your teas and- and sugar." Ariana and Zayn's heads snaps to the left, and their jaws drops.

" Ariana and Zayn's heads snaps to the left, and their jaws drops

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