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Flash nervously glanced around the room, everyone was crowded together in different groups.  Some were excitedly recounting their version of the mission, while others were quietly trying not to pass out, but everyone was definitely having a great time.  He could see the shadows shifting slightly in the corner, shaking his head, Flash tried not to rush over. 

"Hey, Batman!"  Flash shouted, a smile widely plastered on his face, "Leaving so soon?"

Batman only rolled his eyes, at least Flash assumed that's what he was doing behind his mask, and crossed his arms. 

"Good work out there, I mean, it was so cool how you took out those one guys, or when you used that jet thing, or-"

"Is there a point to this, Flash?"  Batman's eyes narrowed, sending chills down Barry's spine.

"Umm, well...I was just, you know, umm, so how's Gotham?" 

"Recognized Batman 02."

Flash let out an enormous sigh as he struggled to stay upright, face palming he annoyingly muttered, "Way to go, Allen."

Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Arrow all exchanged a quick look before breaking away from their respective crowds.  Flash defeatedly glanced up, "Who's turn is it next time?"

GA shook his head, "Seriously?  How's Gotham?"

Flash winced slightly as he absently began scratching the back of his head, "Well, what else could I have mentioned?  It's not like I know anything about the guy!"

"Alright, calm down," Superman gently put a hand on Flash's shoulder, "We know you tried your best."

Flash shrugged off the hand as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Why should we even bother at this point, it's obvious that he doesn't trust us."

Wonder Women sighed, "We need to help him realize he can, and the first step is by becoming his friends."

"Does he even want friends?  I mean, ever since the beginning of the Justice League, he's made it pretty clear that this is only a job to him,"  Flash scoffed, his frustrations clear.

"Come on, everyone needs friends," Superman smiled.

"Besides," Wonder Woman joined in, "we all agreed to make sure he would be alright.  Difficult missions take their tolls' on everyone, even someone like Batman can't be expected to shoulder this burden alone."

"Are we sure he doesn't already have friends, or maybe a family?"  GA wondered, "I mean, Flash was right, we don't know anything about Batman, not even his name.  Maybe he's not alone?"

Silence passed for a few moments, before Flash burst out laughing.  Superman covered his mouth, clearly trying hard not chuckle.  Wonder Woman quickly smacked them both upside their heads, but not before flashing a grin herself.

"Oh come on," Flash glared as he rubbed the rapidly forming bruise.

"No, Diana's right, maybe Green Arrow has a point?"  Superman mused.  "I mean, don't we all have relationships outside of work?"

"Yeah, I'm sure he's a regular Bruce Wayne under that cowl!"  Flash joked, earning a snicker from GA. "Let's face it, a guy like Batman just can't care about things like friends or parties, he probably doesn't even have another identity anymore!"

Wonder Woman glared at Flash, "He's our teammate, not to mention a founding member of the Justice League, and we WILL get him to trust us! No one shall go without friends in this league!"

Everyone glanced up at her, too nervous to make a move.  Finally, GA spoke up.

"Yeah, we could just watch him, see what he likes, maybe get some new conversation topics."

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