Festus Saves Everyone (Well, Almost Everyone)

Start from the beginning

Calypso and the friends he had chosen over me were beside him. The brown-haired girl and the blonde took one look at the females and started untying them, while the black-haired girl punched Octavian in the gut. Leo took out of a wrench and lobbed it at the brown-haired boy. "That's for hurting Festus!" he yelled.

I was woozy and my cuts were stinging as if they had been covered in salt water as Leo patted my head. He petted me as my eyes began to droop and I felt myself slip into unconsciousness. "No Festus" I heard Leo yell. "I can't lose you too!"


The hospital was not well-staffed; there were never enough doctors and nurses to tend to the multitude of patients that sometimes spilled out of the waiting room and into the hallways. There had been more than one pregnant woman give birth in the waiting room in the past month, though I was relieved to help one lady survive childbirth a few days ago and mother a child named "Chuck." After Nico broke up with me, I spent more and more time in the hospital, trying to ease the pain of others and hoping that it would cancel out the pain that I myself was going through.

I was walking a boy back to his parents when I saw him. My heart-cursed as it was-started to beat rapidly and my throat suddenly felt as if it was clogged with cotton balls. I avoided his dark, brooding gaze and decided to ask for a break to use the restroom. After being granted permission, I slipped into the bathroom, but before I could close it, Nico came in and locked it. "We need to talk," he muttered to my name-tag, not meeting my eyes.

"You said it yourself," I said, unable to keep the bitterness out of my voice. "We're over."

"I-I was wrong," Nico said. "I was thick-headed and stupid. I thought I was doing the right thing for you, but-"

He broke off and fiddled with his fingers before continuing his monologue. "I never cheated on you," he said. "I've never loved another woman romantically. I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want us to end up being executed."

"Are you serious?" I asked. "You told me that you loved another, di Angelo."

"You are my solace," Nico said simply, stretching out his hand and squeezing mine.

I took a deep breathe. "I'll think about it," I said and he gave me a ghost of a smile.


I was at Nico's house when I heard a sob and an avalanche of knocks at the door. I quickly ran over to the door and flung it open to see Leo holding a golden dog in his arms, Calypso, Thalia, Piper, Jason, and two unfamiliar women. The dog's fluffy pelt was matted with dried and still sticky blood and he looked as if he had been minced by a crazed farmer. "What happened?" I asked as the entourage came in.

"Just heal Festus," Leo said shortly.

"Can you check Rachel and Silena afterwards too?" Calypso interjected as I started examining Festus.

I ran to grab my supplies and started cleaning Festus's wounds before applying ointments and gauze to prevent an infection and stop the bleeding. The dog's pulse was steadier now, more like the beating of a drum that a jerkily-played clarinet. When his brown eyes flew open, Leo shoved me aside and bathed Festus in adoration. "Festus, you're alright," Leo crooned. "You scared me and almost got killed and saved Rachel and Silena. Oh, Festus, you're a hero!"

After I checked over both Silena and Rachel-including testing them for HIV-I slumped down on my couch, my mind a thick, overgrown hedge of exhaustion. "You're a hero too," Nico said softly.

I shook my head. "I heal, I can't fight," I said.

"And that's what makes you a hero," Nico said, "and that's why I love you."

I looked at him and my heart seemed to melt like an icecap in the midst of a global warming enhanced summer. "I love you too," I said and that was all I needed to say.


Love is not just an endless, perfect ride into the sunset. If love is a ride into the sunset, it's one on a broken chariot pulled by a high-strung stallion. I've learned that romances are never perfect. Even Annabeth admits that she and Percy fight, though she says he is a million times better than Gabe ever could be.

So, maybe I love Jason Grace. Maybe I fell out of love or maybe I never truly loved him. Whatever the case, I can say that I love him now. I love how he's been helping Thalia join a support group for alcoholics. I love how he doesn't complain about losing his entire home and instead squared up his shoulders and searched for a job until he found one-a job helping criminals rehabilitate themselves. He's been counseling Reyna, a former child soldier, and Luke, a former poacher.


I handed Hazel the wrapped present and sat down on the couch beside my husband. Annabeth started chatting about the renovations she's been charged with doing to Zeus's mansion. After Nico arrived five minutes after Will-who was already late-Hazel threw us all a big smile. "I'm so glad that you all showed up to my baby shower!" she said.

Frank squeezed her hand. "It took three years, but my child should be born soon!" she said, looking as excited as Annabeth does when she speaks about architecture.

"Trust me," Annabeth said, holding the three-year old Atlanta on her lap, while Percy holds a napping Bob. "Giving birth isn't the hardest part."

We all laugh and exchange smiles. In three years, much has changed. Reyna is now out of prison and though she looks relaxed today, I know she works hard at her job where she helps convince people not to join terrorist organizations. Luke has found a job at an elephant sanctuary and with his help, Kronos was finally put in jail. Other Titans still reign free, but the tide of the war has changed.

Another tide that has changed is the acceptance of same-sex relationships. After Calypso and Rachel's group protested insistently, a bill was finally passed that gutted the death sentence, which is a good thing because it appears that a certain funeral home owner is smitten with a certified nurse.

I squeezed Jason's hands and smile as I see all my friends together. The past three years haven't been easy, but they've changed us all for the better. We may still be outcasts, but we have each other. No matter how many affairs Zeus has or how many bricks are thrown at us, nothing will change the fact that we are family.


Hi guys! I normally refrain from doing author's notes, but this is the end of this fanfic and I wanted to explain why I chose the weird story-line with Rachel. It's not that I'm a demonic redhead, but rather because human sacrifice is a real and genuine issue in parts of our world. I know that this may seem far-fetched and made up, but if you don't believe me, then you can follow any of these links for more information:



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