Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

            “Hey Selena,” Midnight whispered into my ear as I slowly awoke from my light slumber.  She looked at me, her eyes glowing in the darkness.   “Can I ask you something?”

            “Mm, What,” I asked turning around until Midnight’s face was only inches from mine.  I blinked my eyes groggily awakening from sleep.  There were no other rooms left for her and Vix, so they slept with us on the top bunk.  I shared with Midnight.

            “What is it like,” she asked, propping her chin on her elbow.  She looked at me, her eyes curious.

            “What is what like,” I asked, tilting my head so I could see her eyes better.  They glowed in the moonlight shining through the window.

            “Living with other people.  I’ve been alone most of my life, and I’ve never slept in one of these,” she said, pulling both the sheets and her white shirt.  Little did we know that Midnight and Vix had no clothes.  Midnight borrowed some of mine.

            “Well,” I started, not knowing how to answer the question.  She looked at me brightly, no sign of being tired.  “It’s kind of like living with wolves.  Some people you can trust, and others you can’t.  The only difference really is the place we live, and how we make ourselves look.”

            “Huh,” Midnight huffed out a breath, deep in thought.  She looked a little too happy, so I squinted my eyes for a better emotional read.  Something else was on her mind.   “And how do you get guys to like you?”

            “I have no idea,” I replied, sighing.  My first thought was Will, and how it took nothing for us to like each other.  It was almost the same with Angus a few years ago.  I was snapped out of my thoughts, realizing what she meant.  “Wait, do you like someone?”

            “Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome,” she said, a small smile slid across her face.

            “Leander,” I asked.  She nodded, biting on her lower lip. A laughed at her shyness, but she didn’t seem to understand it.  “Good choice.  I think he likes you too.”

            “Really,” she asked, her head bolting up.  I laughed, remembering my reaction the other morning when Mary Lane told me William would be at breakfast, even though he never showed up.  I looked down at the blankets, remembering what happened with his cousin and her baby.

            “Yes,” I replied.  “I saw him looking at you earlier.  He seemed completely interested in you.”  She squealed softly, hiding her face under the sheets shyly.  I laughed at her.

            “Um, can you help me get to know him,” she asked.  I nodded and she sighed with happiness.  I laughed, knowing exactly what she thought about.

            “Of course,” I replied as a cluster of ideas pulsed through my head.  I knew one of the ideas had to work.  I never did this before, but I knew it would be loads of fun.

            “Thank you,” she said, but I hardly heard her.  I started to panic, something completely off.  Pain shot through my stomach repeatedly, someone kicked and repeatedly punched me, but I couldn’t see an attacker, or even sense one.  I doubled over in pain, gasping for air.  My stomach throbbed as pain shot through it again, even harder than last time.  I didn’t know how much more I could take.

            “Selena,” a voice said.  I grunted, letting out the rest of the air in my lungs before collapsing on the ground below, falling into darkness.

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