Part 27

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Part 27

Just before he could kiss me I moved and he went straight into the couch.

"You need to go." I said as I walked to the door and opened it.

"I'm sorry Sarah Bear. Please forgive me." Eli said as he grabbed my face and tried kissing me forcefully.

"You need to go!" I said as I pushed him away from me.

"She said you need to go!" Louis said out of nowhere making my eyes go wide.

"Louis..." I said but he cut me off. "Don't worry I saw the whole thing." Louis said as he walked up to us and pulled me behind him. "Go!" Louis said as he tried pushing Eli out the door.

"Or what!?" Eli yelled shoving Louis into the wall.

"Or this!!" Louis yelled as they fell to the floor in a brawl.

"STOP!!" I yelled as I tried getting Eli off of Louis but he just shoved me back with one hand causing me to fall back and hit my head on the corner of the coffee table.

Suddenly Zayn was running down the stairs towards the guys trying to get Lou off of Eli and Beatrice was running towards me panicky.

"What!?" I asked as I put my hand to the back of my head where it hurt and suddenly felt something wet. "I'm bleeding aren't I?" I asked her as she nodded her head and I just looked at Zayn who had thrown Eli out of the house and was now helping Lou up.

"Baby are you okay!?" Louis asked as he ran over to me and noticed the blood on my hand. "Yeah just a cut." I said as I tried getting up but failed. "Whoa." I said as the room spun.

"Come on we're taking you to the hospital." Zayn said as he lifted me up bridal style and we all went to the car.


"Okay Ms. Sarah you're free to go. And Mr.Tomlinson keep that knuckle of yours wrapped!" The doctor said as we thanked him and headed to the car.

"what even happened?" Beatrice asked breaking the awkward silence in the car.

"Eli tried kissing me, and I turned him down so I told him to leave and I guess he got mad and he tried to kiss me forcefully and then Lou saw and yeah..." I said trailing off as we pulled into the house drive way and we all got off.

"Whoa!! What happened here!?" my mom asked as we walked in the house and she saw Louis and the dried blood on me.

"Nothing important." I said as I watched Louis introduce himself to my mom, hug her, and then run upstairs to my room.

"You just get here and you already beat up the kid Sarah" my mom said jokingly.

"Imma go check on him mom." I said as I left her to talk to Zayn and Bea.

"Louis?" I asked as I opened my door to see him looking through my year book but stayed on one page.

"He's the guy you fell in love with right?" Louis asked me as he pointed to the pic of me and Eli in the yearbook.

"Yeah..." i said as I sat next to Louis and tried closing the book but he moved it away from me.

"Did you still like him?" he asked his eyes burning into mine.

"Nope. He's just a friend. Well he was." I said as I looked down and Louis put his arm around me protectively.

"When I seen you didn't back away immediately my heart shattered. Love, I never want to lose you." Louis said as he lifted my chin and kissed me passionately.

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