A part of me knew that she could be lying, but at the same time, I was thinking positive. "Marlene let's go somewhere, the three of us."

"Where would we go; when would we go?" He thought about it.

"Thanksgiving vacation, anywhere you want, within the states, because we would need to renew our passports." I giggled and shrugged. "I'm sure we'll figure something out, how about a date tomorrow night?"


"Yeah?" I nodded. "Gonna wine and dine you, princess." He stood me up and pulled me towards him to sit on his lap. A part of me wanted to be upset with the way he's been behaving lately from the stress, but at the same time, I had to understand. It can't be easy trying to live your life when your ex-girlfriend and her dad keep ruining it.

Although I loved Harry, this was all too much to handle at times and made me feel sad. If Emily tried to overstep again, I wouldn't hesitate to punch her in the face. I'm not much of a fighter but I could be if I wanted to. I looked down at Harry who seemed deep in thought as he held me close on his lap.

I didn't want to be so serious anymore, so I tickled his side making him squirm.

He yelled looking down at where I tickled him and quickly tickled me back on my ribs. I stood up and he smiled big reaching for me. As I began walking away he ran after me grabbing me to put me over his shoulder and spanking my ass. "No fair you're bigger than me!" I laughed as he began tickling the back of my thighs.

"You started this mess." He set me down on the living room floor next to Oliver and tickled me some more. Oliver stared at us as Harry pinned my arms down and used the stubble on his chin to tickle my neck.

"Harry!" I laughed uncontrollably, probably scaring Oliver as he began crying. We both turned and Harry immediately let go of my arms to comfort him. He seemed to be mad at his dad so he smacked his chest. "Oh Ollie we don't hit daddy, daddy was giving me kisses and tickles." I tickled his side and he looked between us and shook his head.

"No daddy!" He said clear as day.

"No what? No giving kisses to mumma?" Oliver looked between us and stood to jump into my arms. "Well, I see who he likes better." He scoffed pretending to be hurt as Ollie placed his head into my chest and snuggled into me. "Those are mine." I rolled my eyes holding Ollie close.

"Harry please, he just wants cuddles." Harry fell back on the floor and Ollie looked up at me and smiled. "Tell daddy bye bye."

"Bye bye daddy!" Oliver squeaked making Harry and I laugh.


A week or so later Harry had Wendy watch Oliver while we decided to go to a bar. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, I was having one of those 'I look disgusting and hate myself' days. I was a very confident person but usually, the day before my period started I got like this. I felt bloated and annoyed beyond belief, but Harry wants to take me out and I can't exactly say no.

"Wow, you look gorgeous." I heard behind me making me sigh. I didn't feel even slightly pretty, I really looked bloated and I felt crampy. It was odd since I never really had cramps, thanks to my pills.

"Harry, I know we planned on having a wild night out, but can we go see as a movie instead?" He sat down on the edge of the bed and nodded. "I just don't feel well, and I'm pretty sure drinking will make it worse." He chuckled.

"Well how about we go old school and make a little fort in the living room. Watch a movie?" I nodded taking off my shirt and slipping back on some comfortable clothes. Harry did the same and then opened the closet to pull out the inflatable mattress and some blankets.

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