Chapter 12

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Have you ever thought about what it would be like if you chose something different? Like if you'd said no to that guy in high school that asked you to a dance, would you have still ended up dating him anyway? Or if you'd said yes to the girl in your class that asked if you wanted to study together, would you have aced the class? Or what if you had accepted the job as a mechanic instead of that desk job, would you be happier?

What if I said yes to going to Memphis? Would I be just as happy as I am in St. Louis? How would Kyle handle me leaving? After everything, my mind still chooses Kyle first as the one who'll miss me the most. Mainly because I know it's true, but also partly because we have so much good in the midst of a lot of bad. But if I stayed, what about Fiona? She'd have to live alone, or find another roommate and risk finding someone who can't handle her quirks.

What if I say yes to Shawn's scheme? What if I fail? I'd surely be locked up or, at the very least, banned from my job permanently. I'd probably be accused of theft or attempted theft. The laws on that were pretty unclear to me, but I was pretty sure that the last laws Texas has passed on cyber stuff made unauthorized access of private or corporate systems punishable by up to six months of jail time. Plus, I was over eighteen, so it would go on my permanent record. Every job I would apply to would see it and I may never get a decent job because of it.

But what if I succeeded?

The thought made me open my eyes and stare at the darkened ceiling of my bedroom, the only light coming from the lights on the street outside and the LED display of the clock beside me that read 2:43 AM.

What if I did somehow manage it? That would be the end of Vitality, for sure, but what would come after? I know I'd feel kind of like a hero's sidekick, proud to have assisted the man that made it happen. And, honestly, it would feel pretty good to be one.

I smiled into my pillow as I rolled over. The thought didn't stay in my head for long - it was soon taken over by the other 'what ifs'. Still, by the time sunlight began trickling into my window, I knew the answer I'd give Shawn - and Fiona.


Fiona was going to be the easiest by far. At six-thirty, I used the wall screen in my bedroom to call her. She answered quickly, grinning. "Liz!" Her room behind her was a wreck of boxes and open suitcases. "I was hoping you'd call!"

I returned the smile, finding it hard not to. She was just that way. "How's packing going? I'm so sorry I'm not there to help."

She took a deep breath, smile disappearing, as she glanced behind her. "It's coming, and that's the best I can say. I mean, I'm trying to finish this up as soon as possible, but things aren't really going that well. I haven't found a place there, and I have no idea if you're even going to come." She gave me an expectant look for a moment before raising an eyebrow. "Where are you? It's so . . . yellow."

I huffed a laugh as I glanced around. "It is that," I muttered. "I'm in my temporary bedroom," I said a little louder.

"Oh, right." She sucked in a breath and I could tell by the look on her face she wanted to ask me something or tell me something very badly. I gave her a pointed look and she caved. "Are you? Coming with me, I mean?"


The reaction wasn't immediate. At first, she frowned and then froze. Then she began bouncing on her toes and squealing. "Yay!" She grinned so hard at the camera it looked as if she were about to break her face. "I was hoping you'd come! It's going to be so much better with you, so much easier!" She took a deep breath and I watched her calm herself down somewhat. "I'm so glad you're coming," she said in a normal voice.

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