Songs Collection I: A Permanent Hug From You

Start from the beginning

Then I got a text message.

From: Mom
Ashley, Where are you? You told me you weren’t going to stay out for too long?

I looked up and only saw that the party was starting already. I checked my phone for the time, only to find out that the reason my mom was getting extra worried was because it was already 8:30 in the evening. Just like what I said, the latest I’ve stayed out was 7pm.

It was chaotic, I was confused with the whole setting and I hardly made out anything of the scene. The noise was loud, the people were screaming, and the strobe lights—god knows where they were able to afford that—were blinding enough for me.

Send Message to: Mom
Sorry, things started to get fun. I lost track of the time. I’ll head home now.

“Hey,” I looked up and saw you. You sat beside me on the couch.

Just when I was supposed to leave. If you listened closely, I groaned when you sat there beside me. “Hi.”

“Ashley, right?”

How can you not be sure of the name of your Lab partner last year—oh well, I don’t remember the other lab partners I had too.


“Enjoying yourself?”

I shook my head. I don’t like parties, that is something I gave away. What with all the awkwardness and fright in my face when we found each other in the sidelines of the dance floor.

 “Oh, then. Would you like a drink, maybe?”

“I would want but I can’t have alcohol. Drinks during parties are usually spiked, right?”

“Yep, but not if I make it for you.”

“How can I be sure you won’t put alcohol in it?”

“Well, I’ve known you enough to know that you can determine certain liquids just by smelling… thanks to Chemistry activities.”

Fact Number One: You paid good attention to my sensitive sense of smell.

“I do.” I said. “You don’t remember my name but you can remember I can determine liquids by smelling?”

You paused for a while.

“I was kidding.” I giggled softly. “Yeah sure. It’s fine. But only one glass. My mom’s asking me to go home.”

“Alright, Stay here for a while, alright.” You said and stood up. My gaze followed you as you went to the mini bar which was manually setup by Carlo and Seth.


From: Mom
Ashley, seriously. Where are you?

I rose from my seat just as you came back. I looked at your hand and was a bit disappointed to not find a drink. However, I was also relieved to not find a drink. It would’ve been a shame to reject it from you.

“Are you leaving?” you asked.

“Yeah, sorry.” I replied.

“I was supposed to tell you that I have to leave too because that guy over there needs to be driven back at home tonight.” You pointed to Ennan, who was currently throwing up by the window sill. I flinched at the sight of him.

“Yeah, I guess you need to drive that guy home.” I sighed.

“Are you for North Street too?” you asked. “I can give you a ride after I take Ennan home.”

That was extra frustrating. I wanted you to take me home. It’s every girl’s dream—to be taken home by their crush voluntarily. I was almost there, apparently—but Ennan had to become a cockblock to my dreams coming true.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2014 ⏰

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