Chapter 10

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It wasn’t even a big deal.” I repeat for the hundredth time as Riley sits across from me, not even buying my lousy excuse. I have no idea where the guys went, they’ve been gone for about two hours.

“You’re telling me that’s it’s not a big deal that he keeps giving you a nickname even though you two, moronic, love birds haven’t even established a relationship status yet.” he eyes me suspiciously.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, Riley. It’s not a big deal because I-” I cut myself off. I’m not sure if I want him to know every thought.

“Casey, admit it to me. It’ll make it easier to admit it to him.” the detective-like face from earlier was replaced by caring eyes as he leans forward so I can see him better.

I take a deep breath.

“It’s not a big deal because,” I begin, “I want him to keep doing it.”

“You do?” He tries to hide the delight in his voice, but he does it horribly.

“Yes, okay? Is that what you want to hear?” he simply ignores my angst filled remark, and simply presses the subject further. 

“Have you told him?” he questions.

“We’ve talked about it a few times.” I answer honestly.

“So you haven’t told him exactly how you feel.” he points out.

“I don’t want him to think I want him for his fame, or for his money. I want him to know that I want him for being the Andy that no one else gets to see. You know? For being real.” I shake my head. “That just sounds so pathetic and I don’t want him to laugh in my face.”

“Casey listen to me. I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention.” he makes another serious face. “I am positive that what you just said is not pathetic. I am also certain that he wouldn’t laugh in your face.”

“You think?”

“I know. He feels exactly the same as you do. He wants reassurance that when he makes the move, you’ll say yes. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and yes, it’s pretty damn crazy that it’s only been this short amount of time, but the feeling between you both is mutual and it’s pretty obvious that it’s meant to be.”

“I’m leaving though. How are we going to make this work if he’s gone so long?”

“My mother told me something once when we started out this band and I wasn’t sure how we were going to make it.” oh great, he’s turning into the wise, old man, “If there’s a will, there’s a way.”

“Hey guys!” Just then Jeremy emerged through the bus door, abruptly cutting of our conversation before I could say anything else. Riley gave me a reassuring smile and nodded before saying hello to his bandmate.

“What’s up? Where’s Andy?”

“Nothing much!” Jeremy smiled and then he looked around. acting, I could tell. “I don’t know, he was right behind me.”

“What do you know?” I took a few steps toward him, eyeing him the same way that Riley had done to me earlier.

“I don’t know where he is, honestly.” Wow, he needs to learn how to lie better. “We went on our walk and talked about some stuff and then he ran off…” He looked like he was trying to remember something. “Oh yeah! He said he had to go talk to Mike.”

“Why would he need to talk to Mike?”

“I don’t know. Probably something tour related. I mean, he is our tour manager.” Jeremy pointed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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