3. "I hate you, Orlando!"

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A/N: This chapter is REALLY long. I'm going to publish this story once I finish the third chapter, I'll be uploading weekly (every Wednesday, I live in Canada, idek what time zone I'm in rn lmao). Enjoy the chapter. :)


(At the Ziegler house).

"Beep! Beep!" My phone yelled. It's a Saturday today, that means there's no school. I'm glad that I don't have to face the embarrassment of going to school after the scene I caused, yesterday. I still didn't want to get up, there's nothing to look forward to on Saturday's, except for Maddie.

  After 5 long minutes of hard thinking, I decided to get up. I slap my phone, making the alarm stop beeping. I get up to brush my teeth and I see  Maddie leaving the washroom.

"Just in time," I yell, with half a smile on my face.

Maddie lifts her hair up while I enter the washroom. Right when I was about to close the door, Maddie stops me and enters.

I got out my orange-colored toothbrush and took out the toothpaste. "By the way, do you have any plans today?" Maddie then continues to brush her gorgeous blond-ish hair.

"When do I ever." I chuckle.

"Good. That's good because we're going over to the Orlando house in two hours." Maddie states.

It hit me like a pile of bricks. I quickly, but dramatically, spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and face Maddie, who was still brushing her hair.

"You can't just throw something on me like that!" I answer.

"Look, I know what happened between Lauren and you a few years ago. And everything that happened with Johnny..." Maddie begins, "But you guys were really close, I'm sure you can work something out".

"Say that to her." I laugh.

"Kenz, I know you don't want to go and neither do I, I was supposed to have a date with Jack tonight, but I had to cancel. Mom ordered us to come, she'll be back in about an hour and a half", Maddie gives me a long, tight hug and continues, "You know her business isn't going so well, this is just a way to let her jump back up on her feet."

"It can't be that bad." I respond, slowly. 

"That's the spirit" she chuckles, "We should get changed soon, so you later!"

"Bye!" I yell.

My mom is always out of the house, so I don't get to see her often. Maddie and I have been extremely close growing up, she has basically raised me. I love her and I don't know what I'd do if I lost her.


I decided to get changed a little early, I wore this outfit: 

I decided to get changed a little early, I wore this outfit: 

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