July 15th, 2066

15 5 3

Tomorrow, I finally get to tell the colonel what it is I want to do. I get to tell him I want to go to Australia, but I think I need to phrase it in a way that suggests I'm going there to fight, not find a lover who was near Melbourne when the first Renewer was dropped.

Elise and I have been hanging out, now that she seems to have (finally) accepted that I'm not interested in her romantically.

She wasn't actually after romance, but... I'm trying to be delicate, here.

I'm exhausted from all the excess chores I've been doing to avoid being near the bunk I share with Elise. My legs and back are sore, I have a horrible migraine, and I've noticed that the tremors in my hands are becoming more frequent... and obvious. I hope I'm not outed as an imperfect before I'm on a plane to Australia.

With any luck, that plane ride will be taking place shortly after tomorrow's meeting.

Whispers about the strange shipment from a couple days back have been circulating the camp. It's all speculation, of course. Some say the crate is filled with guns, others think it could be the missing creator of the Renewers: Dr. Crane.

The general consensus, though, is that it's probably an actual Renewer. How Crutch would get its hands on a Renewer is beyond me. I'm hoping that isn't what it is. The thought of a Renewer being so close to me is... unsettling.

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