[Berserker's Arc] Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"That is exactly what anyone in her situation will probably do," Varona muttered.

"It has been a year she was gone," Celty added. "Shinra and I were unsure if we should resent her or not, but we didn't consider what Shizuo was thinking. Above us all, he was the one who put the most effort in rescuing (F/n)."

"So why is she back now?" Tom sadly asked.

"I am just as curious as you are," Celty replied, "But I'm happy that she is back. Don't be gloomy now."

"If she brought trouble to my friend before, don't you think there is a similar reason for her return?" Tom added.

"Probably, but let's not think that."

"That (F/n) did save me," the blonde cut in between them, "I should properly thank her when she wakes up."

"That won't be too short from now," Celty replied, taking care of (F/n)'s bag. "And when she does, I'll call you two. For now, shall I bring you two a cup of tea?"

"No thanks," the Tom said, smiling now.

"We just ate; we're good," Varona replied after Tom.

Hearing their responses, the fairy turned away and walked towards the living room where the patient is resting.

The man turned his head back to face the woman. "You didn't really eat well since you left early."

"I'm not hungry, even for a cup of tea," she answered plainly.


[Shizuo's POV]

When I woke up, the room was dark. I remember bringing that injured girl to Shinra's apartment and... did I fall asleep?

I stretched a little and took a peek on the girl's face. There is no mistaking that she is the one I knew from before. But what came to my mind when I looked at her was our farewell, not when we first met.

"What a nostalgic feeling," I muttered to myself, losing my cool, something that doesn't often happen. I am not sure how I should feel about it. Should I be happy that the girl returned, or because we were able to rescue her in time, or should I resent her because of what I told her before.

She brought me into a bigger mess than that bastard Izaya got me all through. Yet, I couldn't just hate (F/n). How can I forget her when she's back here in front of me?

In an attempt to shrug off my thoughts, I smacked the couch, not wanting to make sound that will disturb her.

"I'm going to take some air," I said to no one as I walked to the exit door and opened it. Celty was there.

"Shizuo, you're awake," she typed. "How's (F/n) doing?"

"She's still unconscious," I replied, surprised myself that I answered as if the girl I brought was really (F/n).

Shinra entered from another door. "Now that you're awake Shizuo, we should talk about her," he suggested, gesturing at her.

"Nah, I'll pass," I said, slipping through Celty's side, but she got my arm.

"This is the perfect opportunity," Shinra added, "Can we talk now?"

I took a good look outside and spotted Varona together with Tom-san talking at each other. I sighed and decided to leave them alone for my best friend's benefit.

I went back and sat at the long sofa. Celty and Shira sat next to me. "So are we going to talk and say that that girl is (F/n)?" I asked, guessing what is about to happen.

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