World In My Hands (xR!Soldier)

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I was listening to this song and thought of an idea. Let's see how this one works out, shall we?

Soldier sat on his throne, legs spread to see his followers under the steps of his palace.

He held Earth, the sphere having small pops from explosions here and there, a smirk on his face.

Sending the second rate army that belonged to him was the easy part. Creating total war was the best part.

He used a thick, calloused finger to spin the miniature globe, tapping where he wanted his troops to rally again.

A sinister, powerful smile being the one thing you'd recognize from anywhere.

My life's too short to have a plan.

It's true, the hardheaded war hero didn't have any specific way of conquering his planet.

He did what he thought of on the spot.

Here, let me help you understand.

He did as his advisor, right hand man, wife and queen would ask, always wanting to please her, in turn pleasing himself.

You lay comfortably on your husband's lap, your legs supporting his right arm keeping the globe stable.

You whisper where to place his men, the foot soldiers knowing better than to disobey orders.

Now, before I continue, let me tell you how you became this way. What you look like, what you're dumbly adorable king looks like, where your friends have gone.

You and Jane, along with the others, were drafted into Tuefort and the red team.

You always had the better plans, according to everyone, so you always allowed Jane to do the bigger things in them, like blowing the enemy Sniper and Spy out of the sky.

You grew closer with time and Jane confessed his "undying, patriotic love." to you, making your heart melt.

You being his queen were set with a military style, he had you in it, you didn't mind. Not one bit.

You adored the man as he adored you. You were inseparable, even when you first met you never wanted anyone else.

Your friends left to their loved ones, taking time to shelter them before the reign of Jane and his queen.

As expected, he referred to you as his cupcake, your nickname for him being Solly, due to his role in Tuefort.

"Cupcake, I'm a bit bored of this for the moment." He looks away from the orb, an almost too easy to decipher look on his face.

"Is that so, Solly?" You raise a brow, gesturing to take the orb from him.

"That's right. I have something.. special in mind to do instead." He chuckles and hands you the orb, you in turn flicking your wrist to make it disappear and reappear in its rightful place.

I'm just American Trash.

He peppers your neck with kisses, his chapped, soft lips feeling as if they weren't there when he moves to a different spot.

He shifts to hold you closer, your thighs overtop of his as you wrap your legs around his waist, his arms firmly holding yours.

He makes his way to your lips, your arms over his shoulders as you kiss him passionately, the need for attention starting to creep up your spine.

He grins through the kiss and pulls away, a husky whisper replacing his booming voice.

"I need you, Cupcake." Those four words drive you crazy, a shy nod coming from you as you climb out of your king's hold, holding his huge hands with your own small ones, dragging him softly to your shared bed.

When you reached your chambers, you let his hands go, shoving him gently onto your bed, giving him a show.

You begin by lifting your shirt to the bottom of your bra, letting suspense do its job.

Your king watched with predatorial eyes, the on-growing tent in his pants showing he enjoyed the teasing.

Pulling the shirt slowly up, you cause the reaction of your boobs jiggling, the tent getting a bit bigger.

With a smirk you toss the shirt away, shrugging off your shorts.

"My, my, you have quite the problem stirring down there, don't you, Solly?" You swing your hips while getting in the position you once were in, holding the hem of your husband's white wife beater.

You saw no reason to keep your combat boots on in the palace, seeing as you didn't get your feet dirty, scratched or poked by anything.

Solly on cue kicked his boots off, his helmet being haphazardly discarded on the floor.

With a giggle you kissed his jaw moving down his neck, stopping at the cloth of his tank top mentally ordering him to take it off.

In one swift motion he throws the tank top away, laying on his back with you straddling him.

"You're beautiful like that, my queen." He compliments you, laying his rough hands on your bare thighs, moving one to your waist and the other to your already pooling heat.

Every and anyone would kill to trade spots with you. It made you quite jealous.

Thinking of all the women who Jane could be sleeping with instead of you, thinking of instead of you, wanting instead of you.

But, you digress, he has you and you have him. Nothing can change that.

"My love, how much longer will you tease me?" He whines up to you, his eyes and expression displaying need to get attention.

"Not much longer, I promise." You have the upper hand tonight, it seems. He could easily overpower you, but the times he lets you do what you wish aren't rare.

With your permission, he got to work, massaging your thigh while sliding your, clearly wet, panties to the side, rubbing a finger across your slit, the sensation causing soft sighs and moans to rise out of your throat.

You hear a beeping in the distance, Solly's touches ghosting you until they finally stop. You look over and see your lover isn't there, nor anything else.

Wake up, the dream is over..

The beeping continues until you open your eyes, your alarm clock doing what its programming tells it.

Sitting up, you turn it off and hop in the shower, the dream you had slipping away as you go into the kitchen for breakfast.

Today was gonna be a long day.

Eh hehehe I'm evil. ( ͡°³ ͡°) Hope you liked it!

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