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I do admit, it's nice to move into a new place. It's a nice change of scenery but I still have all my things with me. I also have all my dopey comrades, but I take what I can get.

Once Nina and Wylan help me get all the boxes to my room they leave me be to unpack.

"Be ready by 6," Wylan yells as he shuts the door. "Matthias will want to go straight to IKEA after he gets off work.

Of course he will. The big doof will probably want to do a fucking beach theme in my room. Of course I'll let him have his fun, but I draw the line if he even mentions a house plant.

When Wylan finally leaves me alone with my things, I start to take out my clothes and possessions bit by bit. Matthias will probably want to reorganize everything when we get back from shopping, so I just put my things where I think they should go just to give him an idea.

Most of my wardrobe is black, white, and gray, but when I stumble upon a purple sweatshirt, my heart skips a beat.


I hate to admit it, but I've missed her.

Maybe she'll go shopping tonight with all of us and I can pull her away to the decretive pillows section to apologize for being an ass.

When Inej and I broke up it was mutual, but I was the one who cut the last thread that was holding our relationship together. We were both in such a bad spot, and I was so stupid and drunk when I kissed that other girl at a party. I felt repulsed, dirty, and like a loser.

So I told her, and left so I couldn't hurt either of us anymore. And I've been living on my own ever sense.

We still wave in passing, but we haven't really talked.

I hope I can fix it. And then we can go get Swedish meatballs.

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