"It's cute that you wanted to get back at me, but" he put his arm around my shoulder, "now I'm too afraid to leave you alone." He spoke devilishly, "Wouldn't want you trying to run off with someone else," It was clear that it was over for me. I was his toy. I belonged to him. And now it was clear that I was nothing but a play thing to him.

I started feeling annoyed and wanted to cry, "Don't touch me! It's not like I did it because I like you! I just wanted to get back at you,"

He smiled evilly and leaned even closer. Our faces weren't very far apart even though I was trying to look away, "You don't fool me. You know I think I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

My voice grew shaky and quiet, "For what?"

"For tricking me like that, and for lying to me." He placed a hand on my hip and just felt around. I was scarred but couldn't tell why.

"Wh-what are you gonna do?" I asked.

He smirked, "I don't know. Maybe just tease you even more. Or maybe," he curled his finger around the belt of my pants and pulled lightly. He leaned in, brushing his lips lightly against my neck as he spoke softly, "Maybe I'll give you what you've been wanting."

Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't hold them back anymore, and I wasn't sure I cared anymore, "Get away from me," I whispered and then sniffled.

He looked taken aback. Like he hadn't meant to make me cry. He pulled his hand away slightly, "What?"

I pushed him away and stood up, "Get away from me you jerk! Am I just some kind of sex object to you? Some girls hate it when you tease them like that dammit!"

"Y-Y/N, I-" He stood up and reached his arms out to me. I shoved him away and crossed my arms to cover myself.

"Save it, asshole!" I stormed off and tried to lose myself in the crowd has I heard Gladio calling out to me.

I walked through the streets of Altissia as the rain poured down on me. A quiet sobs escaped my lips as my clothes began to stick to my body. I shivered from the cold and walked slowly and pathetically to the hotel. I just didn't understand why. A part of me didn't even want to go back to the hotel. I knew Gladio would find me there and I was in no mood to deal with him. I never wanted to see him again.

I found myself lost in an empty street. The lights inside all the stores around me were turned off and there was nothing but the sound of pouring rain. I eventually started walking diagonally until I hit the wall of a building. Not wanting to move anymore I slumped down to the ground and began to cry harder.

Then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I was surprised it was working considering how wet my clothes were. I pulled it out and was instantly taken aback by the time. The show had ended a long time ago. I suppose I had been wandering around a lot longer than I had thought. I also saw that I had several messages from Gladio. Curious, I tapped on the notification to pull up the chat.

Gladio: Where are you?

Gladio: Did you go back to the hotel?

Gladio: I'm on my way.

Gladio: Just got to the hotel? The others haven't seen you. Where. Are. You?

Gladio: Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

Gladio: Y/N

Gladio: Y/N!

Gladio: You're scarring me.

Gladio: Just pick up!

As I read through the wet water droplets on the glass my phone rang. It was Gladio. I immediately hung up. He tried again but I refused to answer. After the third call he texted me.

Gladio: We are all going to search for you. Plz talk to me.

I sighed and sniffed both from the cold and the tears. I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up on my feet. I knew if I stayed here they might find me. Now that they knew I wasn't at the hotel maybe that's the last place they expect me to be right now. I trudged through the rain hoping they wouldn't find me.


After making it back to the hotel I almost felt tempted to fall onto my bed and just lay there, wishing that I could disappear. Not wanting to get my bed wet, however, I walked over to my suitcase, took out a pair of shorts and a tank top that I used as PJs and made my way into the bathroom.

I peeled away the wet cloth that stuck to my skin and stepped into the burning hot shower. All I could do was stand there as the water spilled over my body. Silent tears streamed down my face as I thought of Gladio and all the things he's said and done to me. I knew the answer now. I meant nothing to him. I was finally ready to give up trying. I didn't want to face Leviathan tomorrow. I didn't want to continue the journey. I felt bad for betraying King Regis, but I didn't want to go on. At least, not if it meant spending more time with Gladio.

I contemplated what to do, and then was startled by a loud pounding at the door. There was a pause and then more loud banging. I quickly turned off the water and reached out from the shower curtain to grab a towel. With the shower off I could hear Gladio's voice.

"Y/N, please. I know you're in there." he sounded out of breath and scared.

I dried myself off and listened to his pleading and banging. After pulling on my PJs I gently opened the bathroom door and leaned on the frame with my arms crossed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Just let me explain. Please."

I didn't respond. I just wanted him to give up and leave.

"Y/N open up or I'll just get the bellhop to let me in."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I reached for the door handle and begrudgingly crack up the door, leaving the chain lock on the door so that he couldn't try to come in. I poke my head out and find a soaking wet Gladio panting heavily. 

An Angel Blooms (Gladio X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant