New town, New house, New school, New every thing

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At your new house:

You walk up stairs to your new room the walls were blank and the hard wood was white as snow. At least you got the view of the apple tree! You started did not start unpacking, first you needed to paint the walls. You and your mother went out shopping for paints to paint your room. You painted your room a bright baby blue. After the paint dried to unpacked ( your bookshelf, your desk with your laptop computer, your bed, and decorations.). You hoped on your pastel green sheets. You picked up your dog Ollie. "Well Ollie, it's not bad here-yet!" you said as you looked out the window.  


"BEEP! BEEP!" your alarm clock went. great! first day of school!  You put on your school uniform ( A yokke kazoku, knee high socks and a pair of white uwabaki shoes.) grabbed your backpack, and hurried to the bus stop. 

"Hey look at the new girl!" "Are you sure she is new?" "I have never seen her around before!" "A new girl!" "She is a cute one~" "You say that about every girl you see." " I know but honestly she is a cutie." Everyone was looking at you except a grumpy boy you saw in the house next door. "Um.. May I sit next to you?" You asked a girl in the back wearing cat ears. "Sure! Do you want to be friends!" The girl asked. "Sure, my name is (Y/N)" you said. " (Y/N) my name is Sammy! I never really have friends because people think I am weird because I Have pink hair and wear cat ears!"Sammy said. "I think they look cute on you-not in a wired way."(Y/N) said to Sammy. 

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