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Mason and Sarina swam for a while until the chills started to get to Sarina.

She was the first out and Mason joined her shortly. "Where are the towels?" Sarina shivered as she held herself.

"Back with the bag."

Mason heard the chatter in her teeth and moved her to a sunny spot as he placed her body against his, rubbing her arms.

"That water is like ice!"

Mason laughed. "Yes. It is a bit cold today."

Sarina shook with the coldness, bouncing one foot to the other as Mason held her still.

"Come on. Put your shoes on and we'll go back."

Sarina wanted to put all her clothes on but she didn't want her swimsuit material wetting them. She quickly slipped on her socks and shoes and picked up her clothes. Mason did the same as he led them out off the secluded swimming hole.

Once they were back in the full glory of the sun, they raced to the bag and Mason pulled out two towels. Sarina wrapped hers around her whole body and arms as she sat on the edge of the blanket.

Mason sat opposite her as he dried of his hair.

"Thank you." Sarina spoke as she pulled her arms out off the towel.

Mason looked up to her. "For what?"

"Bringing me here. It's a very lovely spot."

Mason smiled as he stood up and pulled on his jeans. Sarina watched from the corner of her eyes as Mason did up the button and zip.

"I thought you might would have liked to get out off the house for a while."

A small sound escaped from Sarina's throat. "Yeah." Came her sigh. "Thank you."

They sat there a bit longer and when Sarina thought her bikinis were dry enough, she quickly slipped her clothes back on.

She sat there, tying her shoe laces when Mason surprised her.

"Is there anything else you would like to do?"

Sarina looked at Mason dumbfounded.

"Haven't you ever had a choice on even the most simple and basic things in life?"

Sarina shook her head. "I just had to stand there, agree with my father and look pretty."

Sarina saw the anger in Mason's eyes. "Well, how about we go home and decided what to do for another day."

"Can we just stay here a bit longer?"

Mason softened. "Of course."

They sat there in the quiet, listening to the odd ruffle of leaves and grass.



"I know you are trying really hard."

Sarina looked up at Mason. He had moved a bit closer to her. That was when her face dropped, her mask was gone.

"I'm trying. It's exhausting. Trying not to bite your head off, trying not to fight you at everything."

"I know." Mason had felt the same way just weeks prior. "It will pass."

"Who do you know?"

"Because." Mason grinned, making Sarina laugh. "How about this. I have a proposal."

Sarina listened as she sat up and crossed her legs.

"I go back to work Monday to Friday. You can do whatever you want. On the weekends we can do whatever we want. If you want to go to the beach, here, a different city or just stay home, we can do that. But no more silly stuff. No more locking me out figuratively and literally. And you have to talk to me."

The Denial of Hearts (COMPLETED) [wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now