"Really??" She squeaked out, jumping a tad. She never thought she would hear those words spoken. The moment was surreal to Ryan. She didn't know how to process the news.

"Yup," The nurse smiled and turned back to her desk work.

Ryan opened the slip of paper, in bold red pen was written,
Tozier: room 217
Ryan crumbled the paper, stuffing it into her pocket. She knew his room number by heart.

"Lets gooo!" Ryan's voice filled with excitement as she grabbed ahold of Henry's wrist, dragging him to the room.

"Woah!" Henry muttered out, amazed at her strength.

They arrived at the room, and Ryan took no time entering. Henry's eyes first saw all of the plastic chairs clustered in the corner by the window. Most likely from the group yesterday. Then they landed on the fragile boy, propped up with a few pillows.

"Oh my god Richie!" Ryan's voice yelled out, running over to him.

"Hey Princess," Richie's voice was horse, leaving cracks here and there.

"Oh my- don't ever do that ever again!" She whined while hitting his upper arm.
Henry saw as tears threaten to pour out of Ryan's eyes. He knew she was trying her best to keep them in.

"I'm sorry baby," Richie muttered barely above a whisper. His smile was only slightly there, almost like he was faking it.

"Hey," Henry mumbled out, slightly waving. The action was the definition of awkward.

"Uh hi?" He spoke out, looking at Henry.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked, and Richie looked at him with the saddest of eyes. Knowing Henry had caught on to something.
Ryan twisted to face Henry and Richie, sending him a confused look.

"Um yeah I'm fine," Richie sighed, but Henry seemed to see through his lie.

"Richie....." Ryan said clearly worried, her voice carried on. "You're lying!" she squeaked out, standing from the bed.

"I-I'm not!" Richie's voice cracked, and a glossiness took over his brown eyes.

"Richie, we don't lie to each other, not anymore! Now what is happening?" Ryan commanded, yet her voice was still soft.

"Doc says I've lost a lot of blood, it's a miracle that I'm even awake right now..." Richie's words traveled on. "They gave me some news this morning."

"Get to the point," Henry stepped in, again placing a hand on Ryan's back. Rubbing small circles.

"They say there's no way I'm getting better! Ryan I cut too deep. I can't eat without puking and I'm too sick for them to tube me," Richie's voice broke away.  He looked away from the young girl sitting in front of him.

"Richie... what are you saying?" Ryan sniffed, knowing where this may lead to.

"They need me to say my goodbyes, and you're the last one I need to make," His voice barely audible, and she grabbed his hand within moments of those words left his mouth.

"No! I-I can't just let you go Richie. I just got you! You were the best that ever happened to me- you are the best thing. I love you!" Ryan rambled, letting salty warm water droplets fall from her eyes.

"Baby, if you love me, you'll let me go."

Ryan began to sob, her shoulders bounced with every little cry. Henry watched as Richie brought her into his warm embrace. Henry sat on the edge of the bed with them.

Ryan was in Richie's arms, but her back was against his chest. So when Henry reached out his hand, he could touch Ryan's arm.

"Richie I love you," Ryan murmured, and snuggled even more into his chest.

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