1: I Sold My Soul

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I like to think that my life changed when that alarm went off. It was the day my life was set in motion for the worst. Or maybe for the better. I don't know, I supposed that notion depends on who you asked. I met my best friend on that fateful day - And my first love too. The person I thought I would spend my life with. But sometimes plan change - A story for another day.

The buzzing noise that emanated from my alarm clock from hell was something I fought to ignore, pressing the snooze button with a little bit more force at each attempt to get a few more minutes of peace. 

The tricky part? I literally set myself up for disappointment every night before I sleep.

"Haruhi?" I whispered loudly, as I threw my clock into the piles of blankets, smothering the noise. My alarm clock came to a sudden stop, "Haruhi?"

My pyjamas consisted of a retro tank top from an old eighties television show and some sport shorts. Both of which I had carefully chosen from the pile of clothes that sprawled onto the floor of my room. In last night's case, they smelt the cleanest.

A few seconds passed before my sister had made her appearance at my door, hair frizzy and her eyes looked as if they would shut at any moment, probably from all the studying she has been doing for this stupid academy scholarship.

I basically took her notes and made them my own, hoping that we wouldn't be separated through our dreaded high school years. Plus, it was a super fancy school, so I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity for trying out the more elegant way of living.

"What?" Haruhi asked in an unamused tone. Haruhi hated mornings. So did I.

"We're going to be late." I said, rolling back onto my bed, "Oh well, I'm gonna try again next time I get a scholarship." I nodded in agreement with myself as I drifted off to sleep. I pulled the blankets one my head.

"Not so fast, you're now a student at Ouran Academy," She pried the blanket from my dead cold hands and tried to pull me out of bed, which I was determined to stay in until the last possible second. After a few minutes of wrestling, and questioning how my sister was able to amass the amount of strength she had, I gave in, "Let's show those damn rich people we're just as good as they are."

"We're better!" I chimed with a nod of assurance to myself. She gave me a I-Know-We're-Better-But-It's-Not-Nice-To-Point-It-Out face. I stuck my tongue out and shut my eyes. 

Unfortunately by this time, Haruhi has located my light switch, "You gave me no choice." She sighed, and the bright light suddenly flickered to light, drowning me in the desperate white abyss that attempted to snatch my very soul out of my body as it burned my eyelids.

"Gah! It burns! Woman down! I repeat I've been blinded by an enemy unit, woman down!" I screeched, squirming uncomfortably as I tried to locate the whereabouts of my blankets to shield my burning eyes.

Annoyed, I slapped Haruhi's hand away, as she reached for my arm for a second attempt to get me out of bed. 

"Just because I got the scholarship doesn't mean I want it," I pulled the nearest pillow over my shoulder to block out Haru's voice, "I can always just marry rich."

"Well, I'm the older sister, you have to listen to me." She pulled that card. I hated that card. "You're going to Ouran Academy."

"Why are you so demanding, Haru'?" I complained, "You're the smart one anyway, but I can be smart... When-I-want-to-be." I said to the side, before realizing what she said, "HEY YOU'RE ONLY OLDER BY LIKE... ELEVEN MINUTES!?" I cried, sitting up.

"You can meet a rich husband at Ouran."

"Well, you should have started it with that! Let's go to school!" I cheered, only to backtrack, "Blackmailer." 

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