"Well it has to be after Melissa Wakes up!"

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Thanks alot for the comments and The Votes you guys, Deeply appreciate!...Again sorry for the mistakes.


Chapter 14

We spent the night in Charmings...Mansion, just me him and the fire place. i explored the house and I came into comclusion that the house had three gigantic pools including a private pool. 4 hot tubs, 3 fountains ; one shapped like a woman and a man pouring out water in the most unsual places ever. 11 bedrooms, an arcade and so many things that i dreamed my dream house would be like.

"So when are we going to hvae the wedding?" i asked him, while we were siting together next to the fire place, the light was dim and he had a glass of wine in his hand and some apple juice for me.

"I don't know, when do you want the wedding?" He asked me, his warm breath heating my neck leaving a soothing sensation.

"Well it has to be after Melissa wakes up," I told him. We had no idea when she was going to wake up, but I wanted her to be there.

"What if she never wakes up?"

"Then we will do it, after the baby is born...which mean 7 months from now,"

"Great, then I think you should start planning!" He turned my face to face him, a huge smile appeared on his face . He slowly bent over to kiss me. His kiss was so strong so powerful so warming, I sighed in his mouth.

"Your kisses never get old," I told him inbetween kisses.

"Yeah? But yours do!" I pulled away from him and gave him a punch on his hand as hard as I could.

"Haha, i'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," He clearly wasn't sorry. I got up and I told him that i was retiring to bed, "I Love you" He called after me, his head watching me disappear upstairs into the bedroom.

"Love you too!" I yelled back from the steps.


Taz, Charming and I went to the hospital the next day together. They were now my new Family, with everything around me collapsing before my eyes, they were my only source of hope and reason to live!

The doctor spreaded A cold jell on my stomach and the baby appeared on the screen when he put a device on my stomach,( I have no idea what it is called). I gasped, it was very overwhelming to me. "So, Raven, there is the baby," He said.

"Can you tell what type of baby it is?" I asked him.

" Yeah, Do you want to know now?"he asked

"No! I wanna wait for later," I told him, I wanted to start shopping but not now.

He pointed to the screen , "this is the baby's arms and legs, it's organs are fully developed and your baby can't see our hear yet, but the eyes and ears are beginning to form, your pregnancy is in full swing now!" he explained.

"I have been noticing some things, My boobs feel funny, is that normal!"

"Yes, Your Body is changing due to your pregnancy! You may also find that you are peeing alot too!"

"Yes!" the doctor was right, i'm also experiencing some nasuea also, but I didn't tell him that, I wanted to research it online.


Later that day, right after I put Taz to bed for his afternoon nap, I got on the computer and 'searched for things that happen during pregnancy'. I came across some very strange things like, You may have acne problems, If you have thin hair it becomes thick and shiny (which I thought was a good thing), also your hair breaks too. All of this happens from 2 moths into the pregnancy and up. I smiled to myself, sitting on the computer in my fancy bedroom, this was a dream come true and I wish my mother and my best friend was here to celebrate these joyous things with me.

i sighed feeling a little depressed, and I typed in depression during pregnancy. And it happens, it said that it's called: mood swings. On that same site i found other grossed out stuff: Increase in vaginal discharge (I'm going to start praying tonight that I never get this), Larger tender breast (Yes!), head aches, and increase in saliva (Oh My Goodness!). I was going to go through being a mother. I found out a couple more things as I sat here pondering: My mother went through alot and i'm not even at the beginning of it!


Charming came in one day and told me that I should go to school, I begged him to not make me go there, but he told me that I had to. i looked in the mirror the next day hoping that I could hide my baby bump, I wasn't ready for the critisism that was bound to happen. So, i started using big clothes. "maybe she is still depressed," One of the students said when I walked pass them. Maybe they were right, but my mother dieing and melissa in the comma that gave me a way out. They always saved me when I needed them and even when they are not here they are here.

I missed a great deal of school work and I felt like quitting, but Charming wouldn't let me. Then he got this crazy idea, "How about home schooling you could take classes at home...online," he said, and i thought that was a great idea.

Child protective service came up to my house one day, when I was gathering some clothes to go leave with Charming. "Hello, Raven we came to get you," the lady said, was this how she broke the news to people, 'hello we came to get you?' this woman did not look friends, her brown hair pulled back in one and her dark red lipstick and her well ironed uniform did not help the situation either.

Before I could say anything, Charming stepped in. Last night, he presented a ring to me and he pulled it on my finger. "hi, hello..Umm Yeah, but her dad signed the merital papers so she is free," he said, he pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to the woman, "So she is in my custody now," He smiled at her. I pulled the papers from his hand and in bold print, my father's signature. But, How?

The woman read it, and then she nodded her head and left without another word. When she left I closed the door behind her, and I turnede to ask him ,"How?"

"Raven, baby...listen with money, everything is possible in this God forsaken earth," he patted me on the back. He always thought one step ahead, and I loved him for that.

"So you forged my dad's signature?"


"You know, right now, I would have been angry at you, but you amaze me!"

"I Amaze alot of people!" He said wiggling his eyebrows, what did he mean by that?

"what do you mean by that?" He smiled and walked away. I jumped on his back and kept saying 'what he meant by that'. We ended up crashing on the couch, and about to have sex when I remembered the tiny baby sleeping upstairs on my bed and most of all the baby inside me!

"Fine!" He surrendered, he tried to convince me that it was okay, but i didn't buy it!


The next day he signed me up for the school online and As the days go by, my stomach started being appearant. "The baby is growing," The doctor said after my 3rd visit to him.


This Chapter is boring, but we found out alot if things...about the baby...I might write more of this Chapter

I'm In Love With him, But I'm 16 [Student/ Teacher]Where stories live. Discover now