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"Open the door! It's Hershel!" Rick yelled, wheeling Hershel on a metal cart through the cell block. Rose took a few steps back as they came through the door, entering the cell block. 

"Daddy!" Beth cried, helping them push Hershel's cart as quickly as they could into an empty cell. They lifted Hershel up, placing him down on the bed. 

"He got bit," Daryl explained. 

"Oh my god, he's gonna turn," Beth cried once more. Rose pulled Beth into a hug, tears slowly dripping out of her eyes. 

"Did you cut it off," Lori asked him. Rick nodded his head yes. "Maybe you got it in time."

Carol lifted the blood soaked towel off of Hershel's partly decapitated leg. "I need bandages!"

"We used everything we had," Glenn breathed. 

"Well get more, anything!"

Lori looked over at Carl, "Carl, go get the towels from the back right next to my bed." Carl nodded, running down to Lori's cell. 

"Is he gonna die?" Rose asked, panic filling her body

. Lori pulled her and Beth in, shaking her head. "No, no, no. He's gonna be just fine."

"You think you can stabilize him?" Rick asked Carol. 

"I need to keep his leg elevated," Carol responded. "Get some pillows!" 

Rick ran off to grab some pillows from different cells. "He already bled through the sheets," Maggie said, standing next to the bed. 

"We can burn the wound to clot the blood," Glenn noted. "I can start a fire."

Carol shook her head, "no. The shock could kill him. It's not gonna stop the arteries from bleeding. We need to just keep it dressed and let it heal on it's own."

Everyone looked over at the sound of people yelling. "W-What was that?" Rose asked. 

"Prisoners, survivors," Rick responded. "It's alright, everybody stay put."

Rick left, leaving the rest of the group huddled in the cell. Hershel was still bleeding out, and by now Carol's hands were covered in blood. "Will he stop bleeding?" Rose asked, her voice dry and cracked. 

"It has to stop eventually, right?" Carol responded. "It slowed down quite a bit already. If we can get him through this-"

"When we get him through this," Lori corrected, washing the blood covered rag off in the small bowl they had. 

"-We'll need crutches," Carol finished.

"Right now, we could use some antibiotics, painkillers, some sterile gauze. There's got to be an infirmary here."

"If there is we'll find it. You've got to be worried sick about delivering the baby. "

"Look at me. Do I look worried?" 

An idea sparked through Carl's mind. He lightly tapped Rose on the shoulder, gesturing for her to follow him. As they left the cell, Carl peeked his head in. "Hey, mom, I'm going with Rose to organize the food."

Lori looked at him, nodding. "Okay, be safe."

They walked through the cell block, walking past the area where the food was stored. "Carl, we just past the food, I think-"

"Do you have your gun on you?" Carl asked, cutting her off mid sentence. 

Rose looked down at the gun tucked into her waistband. "Yeah, why? We're just organizing the food, right?" 

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