Chapter 1: I Met HIM

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-Jaelyn's POV-

YESS!..School has finally ended..summer is here. But then again...Senior Year is next and then off to college. But i've heard senior year is the best year but whatever. When I finally got home, after all the goodbyes from friends and ish, istarted rolling on the floor because summer is finally here! After like what feels like an hour, i got up, changed my flats to my blue vans, and grabbed my baby pink and baby blue skateboard and headed for the door.

Mom: where are you going?

Jae: to Endia's house

Mom: okay just be home by supper

Jae: kay. (heads out the door)

Yea i said i was going to Endia's house but im just gonna make a quick stop at the candy shop. hehehe.

-End of POV-

-Jaden's POV-

This house is too boring..there's no one going to the candy store -_- (grabs black and red skateboard...goes out the door..starts skateboarding to the candy shop) Going without security is kind of a risk but its just a block away..i might even go to Moises house afterwords cause im sure not coming back here....unless.....I COULD HAVE A PARTY!hehehe :D

(isn't paying attention and smashes into a mysterious girl)


-End of POV-

-Jaelyn's POV-

OMG WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?! I was just texting Endia ,which was really stupid of me to do, and then i smashed right into this...this...handsome guy...SNAP OUT OF IT JAE! HE'S TALKING TO YOU!

Jaden: OMG IM SOOO SORRY! (reaches out hand to help her up)

Jae: No...don't was my fault..i wasn't paying attention. (shrugs)

Jaden: As long as you're okay. So anyways whats your name?

Jae: Jaelyn but you can call me Jae. Nice to meet you Jaden Smith (smiles..shakes his hand)

(thinks) wow! his hand is so soft!

Jaden: You have a beautiful name did you know my name?

Jae: Karate Kid and plus, you're famous...who wouldn't?

Jaden: true...

Jae: well...BYE!(picks up skateboard..starts to leave)

Jaden: WAIT! (pulls her back) can i have your number?

Jae: check your pocket.

Jaden: (pulls out paper with Jae's number from pocket) How- Wh- Huh?

Jae: BYE! (skateboards away and off to Endia's house)

OMFG i think im about to dont know how long i've had a crush on Jaden...wait till Endia hears about this!

*At Endia's House*

Jae: (at the door) she doesn't expect me to ring the door bell...(opens the door) ahhaaa it isn't locked! WASSUP! I'M HOME!

Endia: (sitting on the couch) WASSUP MY NIGGAH?

Both: (do secret handshake)

Jae: You wouldn't believe what happened like 5 minutes ago..

Endia: What happened?

Jae: I met Jaden Freakin Smith!


Jae: *tells her the whole story*

Endia: see i told you those magic tricks would work one day...(starts to tear up) my bestfriend's got a boyfriend

Jae: woah woah woah we havent even had a FULL conversation yet and i just think he was being nice...i don't think he likes me..

Endia: Jae..come here..

Jae: (steps forward) yes?

Endia: (slaps her but not too hard) WTF?! Get your sh*t together and stop being an insecure little beetard!

*the motivation speech goes on*

-Jaden's POV-

mannnn i can't get this girl out of my head....i'm going home to think long and hard about this whole thing.

*2 hours later*

Jaden: (staring at wall)

Will: (standing at the door of Jadens room) wanna stop staring at that wall for a minute?

Jaden: (startled) woah you scared me!

Will: my bad..(enters Jaden's room) so whats on your mind son?

Jaden: well there's this girl..

Will:and she's stuck in your mind?..well thats how i felt about your mother....

Oh no here comes the "when i was your age" story...

Jaden: (tunes out his dad and starts thinking about Jae.....gets an idea)

I GOT IT! thanks dad. (leaves room)

Will: oh Jaden..i worry about you sometimes......

Yeahh i only said that to get outta gonna go ask Trey (yes thats his real brother) for some brotherly advice! At least he'll be able to help..

*In Treys Room*

Jaden: (about to knock) nahh (just opens door)

Trey: ummm?

Jaden: i need your advice..

Trey: about?

Jaden: a girl...

Trey: go ask dad.

Jaden: nooo he started telling a story..

Trey: o.O well in that case sit down..let's have a chat..

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