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January ❀ age 7     

(continued from the last chapter)

"A-Are you suh-sure Eh-Eh-Eddie is muh-mad?" bill asked while he was placing little soldier figures on his shelf. 

"yeah, i'm hundred percent sure. We always hug when we leave and he always smiles and me and laughs at my jokes and always sheds a few tears when we have to separate" richie said and watched how bill squinted his blue eyes while putting the figures neatly on the shelf. 

"duh-didn't he c-cry wuh-when y-you two suh-suh-separated?" 

"yes, but not like before. He was genuinely sad. Like...I don't know...he was really upset. But I don't know why" richie mumbled. 

"Are you g-g-going to suh-see him today?" bill glanced at richie. 

"yeah...that was the plan...I just hope he's not sad anymore." 

And richie's greatest wish, his only wish, that eddie wouldn't be sad, didn't come true. 

Eddie had been down all Christmas break. He hasn't got much eaten. tears were brimming in his eyes. 

How could he? How could he get harsh on his only friend? his best friend? 

well, if richie even wanted to be his best friend anymore.

"eddie bear, you have to eat something" sonia kaspbrak said as she laid a plate of eggs, vegetables and two pancakes in front of him. 

"I'm not very hungry, mommy" eddie said and poked the pancakes. 

"You have been like this ever since the christmas eve! If you're not eating, we have to take you to the medical room to get you checked up" 

eddie flinched and cut a piece of the pancake. he put it in his mouth, swallowing it hard. 

"I hope you're not only eating because I said that...you must be hungry" 

"i'm not..." eddie mumbled while cutting another piece. 

"stop pretending that you have an eating disorder. You're perfectly fine" 

"what's an eating disorder?" eddie looked up at his mother, who looked at eddie with hesitant eyes. 

"it's something you're not" she said quietly, before the phone on the wall began ringing. 

"let me get that. And you eat your plate clean" sonia pointed at her chubby finger at the now full plate. 

eddie looked how his mother walked to the phone and lifted it to her ears. 

"Kaspbrak residence, Sonia Kaspbrak speaking" 

she always had to make things so professional. 

"Oh hello Maggie..."

eddie's head whipped around as he looked at his mother, who was talking with Richie's. 

"richie wants what? hm...ah I see...right, well...yeah, eddie's not home right now" 

eddie's face dropped immediately. all the life in his body drained away as he listened his mother lie her ass off. he stared at his mother is disbelief, disgust dripping from his stare

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