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Imani's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Before I got out of bed, I put my gown (robe) on, slippers on, then walked out.

"Morning darling how are you?" Mrs De La Cruz said.

I noticed that Miguel wasn't here.

"Morning. Where's Miguel?"

"He's at work right now. Aren't you going to your friends today. If you are Miguel said he's gonna pick you up." I thanked her and rested my head on the bench top

"I'm sorry you have to marry him." She cupped my face and smiled at me. "He's really worth it if you get to know him. Just be patient and give him sometime." She said. All I could think about is Damien. Everything that I've been through with him all waisted.


"So you're getting married to a guy you don't even know? Miguel De La Cruz." Cece asked. I explained to Charity, Cece and Lorenzo for the billionth time

"Your Fashion line is still gonna be in business right?".Charity asked.

"Yes its is. I know him but don't know HIM...can we talk about something else." The press came rushing in and I noticed the reason why

Miguel came in with a huge grin on his face and sat next to me. Cece squealed. She has a crush on Jordan Miguel's cousin.

"Bonjour chérie (Hi Honey)." He kissed my cheek and all the girls screamed. I slightly pushed him away before it could turn into a dramatic episode

"Bonjour. Rencontrez Charity, Lorenzo et Cece (Meet Charity, Lorenzo and Cece)." I introduced him to say friends. He looked at them and smiled.

"Hi I'm Charity, this is my boyfriend Lorenzo." Charity said

"Hi". Lorenzo said

"I'm Cece. "

"Nice to meet you. I'm Miguel". They all shook hands and settled down

The press came to our table asking us questions like what happened to Hazel, Did Hazel and Miguel break up?

One of them came in my face. Oh wait it was Hazel

"You just want him for the money don't you." She said with little white stuff around her mouth. Giving me bad breath vibes. Wonder what- no who she was doing... 💀💀💀

"Sis I make my own money." I said. Walking out of the restaurant with Miguel . 2 men appeared next to me. They were Miguel's bodyguards. Lorenzo, Charity and Cece followed. They seemed to enjoy the attention. Especially Cece.

"Where are we going? I'm hanging with my friends today. " I asked Miguel as we got in the car.

"Were going to the mall of course. I'm bringing Jordan with me. You guys wanna come. " He looked back to ask my friends.

"Yeah. I have company now." Cece said.

"Yeah we cool with that bro." Lorenzo said.

"We're coming but I have to go to a meeting at 3:00." Charity said

"Its only 2:30 pm. Maybe we should stay Charity." Lorenzo said

I turned on the music. "Oh well looks like it just Cece, Jordan, Miguel and I."

"I'm sorry I couldn't spend time today Imani. Maybe I'll come by your house to help you pack."

Lorenzo and Miguel dapped each other, Charity and I said our goodbyes.

We drove off to the waiting outside for Jordan to come. He finally pulled up in his Ferrari and Cece squealed.

"Hi, Cuz...Imani and this is." He asked looking at Cece

"Cece". She said happily shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you Cece I'm Jordan Miguel's cousin." Miguel looked at me and smiled

"Well Jordan I'm taking Imani with me. " He left the two and pulled me to follow him

While walking in the mall, people looked at us. Some girls frowned at me and the guys kept watching me. Miguel kneeled down and told me to get on his back.

"si bon miel (so fine honey)". He slapped my butt which echoed around our area.

"Merci papa (thanks daddy)". He blushed and carried on. While walking to Gucci one of the girls was forcing her boyfriend to carry her but he ended up dropping her after 30 seconds.

We entered Gucci and he placed me on the chair. I found myself a dress and got in the changing room. Apparently I couldn't take it off. It somehow just shrunk when I put it on.

I walked out pretending it fit me and waited for people to laugh and call me fat. Miguel turned around and opened his mouth. The guy at the counter stopped what he was doing and drooled at me.

"No baby you cant put that on". He pointed at the skinny Mannequin on the paper. "If you looked like her you could."

"Damn Imani Mami still looking so fine." We turned around and saw Damien. Santiago.

"Damien? Get out of store".Wait he knows Damien? He bought this store?

Damien came up to me to give me a hug but Miguel punched him right in front of my eyes. I froze, he...he's the reason why my life is the way it is. He hurt me. I still remember that day

"Imani come with me." The security came and took Damien. Miguel took me in the changing room even though it said WOMEN ONLY on it. I said nothing still in shock of seeing Damien. "You're mine." He whispered

"Whats the problem Baby." Miguel asked me giving me a bone crushing acting like Damien didn't just walk in.

"The dress. I cant take it off." I covered my body feeling the exposure.

He laughed for a second and looked at me. He walked out and came with some scissors. "Come on lets give you a makeover." I looked at him for shock

"Are you for real Miguel. This costs money."

"Yes I am for real. Now turn around so papi can help you out." he said with a giant grin on his face.

"Promise you wont rip it off". He looked at me in the eye wondering why I would say such a thing. I got curves but people still think 8 I'm fat.

"Why?" He asked

"Because I'm not comfortable look at me. I'm fat, thats what everyone says". He placed is hand on my chin.

"Your beautiful Mon chéri. Don't let anyone tell you your not". He smiled at me in the mirror. I smiled back.

He slowly cut the dress which sent tingles to my spine. His gentle touch made me feel calm.

As soon as he was done he looked at me and smirked. I noticed why. Part of my my dress started to show a little bit of my inner thighs.

I covered it slowly but then the rest of the dress started to fall apart. He respected me and walked out. I loved that

Maybe this whole thing could go well

I'm just wondering.

Why is Damien still trying to keep in contact with me

Sorry this chapter was short but i hope ya'll loved it Plz Vote and Comment

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