You Don't Belong

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A/N: Haha, jk. This one is short too, so you're getting it on Saturday as well. Fuck me guys I'm sorry. The next chapter I know is over a thousand words I know. You're getting that one on Sunday (tomorrow). Don't hate me, I hate myself enough as it is for pulling this shit. Enjoy :) (?)

(Year 1543 of the Swan. The Sunlit Kingdom, Roven. Ruled by King Thairn IV)

Fourteen year old Cassia gripped her gown with an unforgiving hold, the beautiful dress not perturbed in the least. This was the beginning to the end- and she knew it in her bones. Her grandmother had called them to action- called them to make a move.

The elder vampiress had bided her time till she was given an excuse to test them all. They were in the winter palace- a place Cassia could admit that she and her mother looked far more at home within. What with their icy blonde hair, and equally as chilled blue eyes- Cassia's hair having been painstakingly curled, her eyes outlined in kohl to make them pop, Didyme had said so at least.

Her gown was sky blue- a taunt on her mother's part toward Cassia's grandmother- the Queen of the Northern Isles, otherwise known as the Winter Kingdom. Her mother had complemented Didyme when her nanny brought her out to Kiera to check over.

Her mother had been almost warm tonight- Kiera was normally quite cold, harsh even- the 'Ice Princess' Papa had told her.

Thairn had told her stories of how her mother fell for her real father- Thairn's younger brother Felix-, despite them both having vastly different personalities. It had amused her to no end as a child- but now, on the eve of her fifteenth birthday, she could not take respite with his tales- not when it all depended on her.

She had been introduced to Court and luckliy her mother had stuck to her side like sticky sap- explaining how come her beautiful daughter did not speak- "Oh, Jedy dear! It would appear that the gods saw fit to curse me so that I could never hear my Cassia sing..."

Her mother had such a way with words, dazzling her way through the night while Cassia couldn't.

The hours passed until the sun was soon to rise and the guests departed. She didn't breathe easy until Didyme escorted her to her chambers, Ram following a hair's breadth behind them both.

The elder peasant class vampiress freed her hair of pins and rid her of her gown, closing the curtains and leaving her alone in her bedchamber to rest.

But Cassia didn't want to rest- not when every time she closed her eyes she could feel the presence of another in her mind.

The presense was silent- asleep. And Cassia would never willingly awaken it.

She knew the prophecies word for word, could sing tales of the presense's former glory from memory alone- and she would never let the Fair Queen come to power once more.

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