Run-in at the Coffee Shop

922 61 165

Harry's Pov

I woke up with the sound of my alarm at 8.30. Simon said he would call at 9.00.

I get up to brush my teeth, comb my hair and than change into my favorite pair of black jeans and a white transparent shirt. As I button the third button, which goes right before my butterfly tattoo, Simon calls. I check the time, it's 9.00. He literally called the second clocked ticked 9.00. That punctual British.

H-Good morning.
S-Morning Harry, I told you I would call.
H-Yes, what's wrong?
S-I know you have a month long break but this problem has to be solved before we start your second album.
H-And what is that problem?
S-When you guys were in One Direction-
H-We still are One Direction, we will be back. We're just taking a break.
S-Let me finish. You guys had a massive amount of fans. It was crazy. You still are one of the most supported singers in the world but still it's not the same as One Direction.
H-And what you're suggesting is..?
S-I want you to date someone to bring you back to the media.
H-No way. I cannot play with someone like that. Girls nor boys are toys.
S-I know, but this is something the management requires. Either you say yes or leave. Sorry Harry.
H-Simon you can't do this. Please.
S-I'm sorry Harry. Meet me and the girl today in Winter Garden Restaurant at 8pm. Don't be late.

What the fuck? How could he expect me to play with a girls heart like that? They are not properties that we own. I'm gonna go to that restaurant today and tell them I'm not willing to do this. But what if Simon really makes me leave? Would he? There's only one way to find out.

I decide to head to the coffee shop to escape from my stress.

Hey mum and Gem,
I'm in the coffee shop and I'll be back as soon as I can. Love both of you.

I drop the note on the table and leave the house. I start to think about how it would be to date her. Someone I don't even know the name of. Would she be hurt? Would I be hurt? How would it end? I'm not sure. But I'm sure as hell that this isn't right.

I walk down the road to realize I'm almost there. I see the brown green logo of the coffee shop.

I try to clear my head as I take a turn to get in. But before I can feel the cold air from the air conditioner in the coffee shops door, I hit someone.

Bella's Pov

B-Wait so you actually want me to date a singer but you're not telling me until I meet you today at 8pm?
S-That's right. And the only reason we're keeping his identity hidden is because of safety reasons.
B-I mean I don't want to offend you but just because someone is famous or hot doesn't mean I'm going to date him.
S-This is really important Bella. I looked all over the world to find someone for him. You are perfect.
B-I might be perfect for you, but am I for him?
S-There's only one way to find out. Meet us in the Winter Garden Restaurant today at 8pm. We'll be waiting.

I end the phone call without replying. How could he just ask me to date someone without knowing them just to increase their fame. I don't think I can survive these news without coffee.

I head out to my favorite coffee shop. I feel relieved when I see the familiar brown green logo. I order a latte and head out. Well, decide to head out but before I can I hit someone.

Harry's Pov

The girl is about 15 centimeters shorter than me. She is blonde and has really pretty light brown eyes. But all I can think on this stressful and already fucked up day is my favorite white shirts that are ruined with her probably latte. I was thinking of wearing this tonight to meeting goddamn Simon and the girl and now it's ruined. Thanks love.

Bella's Pov

He is about 15 centimeters taller than me. He has brown curly hair with the most perfect green eyes I've ever seen. But as this is literally the worst day of my life, I ignore the fact he's ridiculously hot. I look at him, his tshirt and my now empty latte cup with anger. How could this day go worse?

He looks at me expecting something. An... apology? Well hell no.

"Watch where you're going!" I try to keep calm. He looks at me as I'm crazy.

"Are you crazy?" I knew. He continues. "You are the one who spilled coffee all over my shirt and you tell me to watch where I'm going?" He chuckles.

Great. He has dimples. God.

"I'd answer you back but I'm having a hell of a day so I'm just gonna go." I can't keep this going. I'll make coffee at home.

"Oh you can't even imagine. I'm having the worst fucking day ever don't even get me started." He rolls his eyes.

I turn around to get away from the stomach destroyingly hot stranger.

"Asshole." I whisper underneath my breath.

"Yeah, I hope the rest of your day goes better as well."

He turns around into the coffee shop and I start walking to my home.

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