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"Sabine, we need to talk about what happened," Kanan stated, trying to keep his anger at bay. All but one of the crew members sat gathered in the common room, walls seeming more grey than usual.

"My comm wasn't working, and that's why I couldn't contact you guys for a pickup..."

"When you found him," Hera tried to finish Sabine's thought.

"No, wait. Ezra broke his comm the mission before last right? I let him borrow my wrist comm for this mission. He said that he heard you give him the go to let the place blow, when you didn't. Then later, it wasn't working when I...when I found him at his tower."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I tried it a bunch of times, and nothing worked."

"Can I check it out?" Kanan asked. Sabine tossed him the tiny device, before walking out of the room distractedly.


She wandered down the hallway, turning the input volume up on her helmet so she might get a clue as to where Ezra was in the ship. After a few minutes of listening closely and getting no result, Sabine sighed and began stripping off her armour. I'm the smallest one left, if Ezra didn't come out soon, I'd be sent up there anyways, she thought. Within moments, it was neatly piled on the floor. She decided to leave on her boots, in case something sharp were to cut her foot. With the amount of dust up there, that would leave her out of missions if she got an infection.

The closest vent was, of course, straight up. The cover had already been taken off, probably by Ezra, which made climbing up slightly easier. The Mandalorian crouched before leaping, arms straight up to catch the edge. Her fingertips made contact, and she grasped the metal as hard as she could. Sabine's training made it easier to use her upper body and pull her into the vent.

She lay on her stomach, feeling the cool, almost cold air push gently around her, the cool metal on her face. Slowly, she began to slide along the floor, her hips screaming in protest every time she hit a seam.

As Sabine moved along, she began noticing small specks of blood on the wall that became more frequent the further she got.

At a junction of the vents, she found him for the second time. Lips slightly blue, skin too pale to be healthy, scabs pulled open.

She considered herself fortunate, however, because only a few meters back was a vent covered in spray paint - her room. In the limited space, Sabine managed to rotate his body so she could pull him along towards the opening. Using her boot, the Mandalorian smashed the vent with her foot, slamming metal into metal until the vent gave way with a large crash.

Eventually, she managed to pull Ezra onto her bed, too still for comfort.

Think. Think. Think, Sabine thought to herself. Bandage first. Stop the bleeding, and then warm up. She gently hopped down from the mattress, turning on the lights before going straight for the medkit she stored in her room. He needs bacta. She took the tube she had, a couple swabs, and a large amount of cloth bandages.

Climbing back up to the bunk, Sabine got her second good look at the damage he had done to himself. "I'm so sorry, gods I wish I knew, I should have done something more!" Holding back tears, she went to work slathering the medicine onto his arms and wrapping them as gently as she could. Once she finished she covered him in her blanket, along with a few extras she kept.

Rest. Rest is probably the best thing for him now, she thought. She turned out the lights and went to leave, but paused in the doorway.

"Udesiir, vod'ika."

Rest peacefully, brother.

Something felt right inside Sabine as she closed the door. 

a/n: sorry it took me so long to update, exams and yadda yadda. i know it's not a great excuse. also, i didn't feel up to writing much. sorry about that. anyways, sorry, but sabezra isn't really a thing i ship. anyways, here's the chapter. pretty short, but it took me forever to write because i'm a shit writer. i hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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