Have a Drink

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Hey guys, it's me! So before you read this, I'd like to mention that it was requested by Nataclumsie

Second of all, I was bored, and binging one of my other favorite shows recently, and so I wrote in my favorite character in this imagine. So if you recognize a familiar character from a different show, tell me who it is, and from what show. Let's see who can find him first!

The hunt had been going on for a week.

Dean, Sam, Castiel, and yourself had been looking for this damn vampire for an enire week, and you'd virtually gotten nowhere. Bodies were dropping like flies every other day, and your very bones ached with exhaustion. Everyone was absolutely stumped, and this vampire was a clever one indeed.

It was probably the 6th or 7th day you'd been on the hunt, and you'd been particularly done with work that day, when you decided to hit the local bar. It was a short walk across the street from the motel, so you wouldn't have to worry about stumbling your way back to bed.

Because your intention was to get hammered.

You walked into the establishment and see that it was run down and old, to nobody's surprise. The countertops were cheap and the metal joints on the bar stools were rusting to hell and back. As you sat down on one, the iron on it squeaked uncomfortably, as if in protest of you sitting there at all.

Looking around, you saw that one of the only main sources of light in the bar was the set of dirty plastic string lights above your head, which swung precariously every time someone walked by them, and gave off a dingy yellow glow. They did however manage to illuminate the room somewhat-decently, enough for you to see the bartender, and ask him for a shot of the strongest shit they had. And so...

One shot down.

You checked your phone to see a missed call from Castiel. Although you weren't buzzed yet (The alcohol having just entered your body moments ago), you decided to ignore it, against your better judgement. He couldn't have had anything that important to tell you...

Castiel was a great friend. The only problem with that was that when you looked into those deep blue eyes for more than a second... well, you wanted to be more than just his best friend. You wanted him to love you. To greet you with a kiss every time he saw you... to hold you in his arms at night after a particularly terrifying nightmare... to make love to you and whisper sweet, tantalizing things in your ear while you moaned his name...

You shook yourself out of your own thoughts.

More people started filing into the building as the sky grew dimmer, and it grew closer to dark. It seemed that the townsfolk themselves somehow actually tolerated the atrocious bar... You guessed it'd be easier to once you have a good amount of alcohol in your system, however. Speaking of which...

Two shots down.

Your phone rang again, but you stuffed it away in your back pocket, desperate to get away from the case you had to deal with. You needed a night to yourself without all of the stress that hunting brought along with it. And so this was your reasoning, as you shoved your cell into your back pocket once again.

Looking out toward the door of the establishment you considered going back to the motel for a split second. Maybe go to bed and get a good night's sleep for the case tomorrow. But you were not going to do that. You needed alcohol and sex, and you needed it tonight.

Luckily for you, as soon as that thought crossed your mind, a rather handsome man sauntered into the bar. He was well built and tanned, with a head of black disheveled hair and strikingly piercing blue eyes... something about him made you oddly attracted to him. He was wearing dark jeans and a v-neck t-shirt, and he looked surprisingly well kept. Your breath hitched as he approached you with a sly smirk.

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