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"He what?"

"He gave me two thousand dollars!" Jimin said holding up the envelope a smug grin on his face as he smiled at his two friends. "In cash."

Jungkook quickly grabbed the envelope away as Jimin seemed to whine in disapproval. He flicked through the bills his face dropping as he realized it was indeed two thousand dollars.

"So you're his sugar baby now?" Taehyung asked as his eyes flicked from the envelope his boyfriend was holding back to Jimin. "Is that all he is to you?"

Jimin's face seem to drop as he thought through what Taehyung said. What was he to Yoongi? He hadn't discussed being his sugar baby at all but he did give him money. What did that mean?

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Taehyung said turning his head to question his friend. "He gave you money, doesn't that mean you're his sugar baby?"

"I didn't talk to him about that at all. We barely even talked for a full five minutes before he had to leave."

"He's interested in you though." Jungkook said smirking as he pulled a paper out of the envelope handing it to Jimin. He looked at the paper seeing it had Yoongi's number on it and a message that said 'don't bother continuing to look for some old sugar daddy on that sketchy app'. "I say you should meet up with him again sometime this week."

"I just learned his name today! Why would I want to meet up with him?"

"He gave you two thousand dollars! Why would you not want to? You can finally pay your bills now! And just think of all the money you could be getting from this guy! This literately is an amazing opportunity that you'd be stupid not to take!"

"This probably would be able to pay off all of my late bills." Jimin said sighing as he flopped to lay down on his friends couch. "And I won't have any extra money to spend."

"You will once you message this guy! Come on what's the worse that could happen?"

Jungkook could feel the tense atmosphere that set once he had said that and everyone seemed to think back to Jimin's past relationship. Worst case scenario there was plenty of things that could go wrong with this and was Jimin even in the right mindset to talk with this guy? He had wanted money at first but he couldn't deny the countless times he had blushed when they met up earlier and although he seemed cold hearted the guy seemed to genuinely care about his well being. 

What if that was just a cover up for him to try to get with Jimin?

But really what did Jimin have to lose? He already hated himself and he slept around for people to give him validation about his body which he despised. What else could happen to him that he already hadn't been through?

"You're right." Jimin said smiling as he tried to ignore what everyone had been thinking of. "Worst case he's just bad at sex and I'll get some quick cash."

This is a super short chapter, sorry. Also it's unedited as always lmao

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