Chapter Sixteen

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(Harry’s P.O.V.) 

We had been in the safe house for a week. Morgan came to visit many times and we had a few other agents coming in and out, but it was getting quiet. And I was getting bored.

“Can we go to the zoo?”

“No,” Erika answered shortly. I groaned.

“Can we go to the beach?”


“Can we go to the park?”


“Can we go skydiving?”

“Sure,” she said easily. I jumped up.


“No. Sit your ass down,” she commanded. I sighed and flopped back down on the couch, landing my head in her lap and shooting her puppy dog eyes.

“Erikaaaaaaa! I’m boooooored,” I complained. She rolled her eyes, but giggled a little bit.

“If you weren’t so annoying, maybe I’d take you to do something fun,” she taunted. I smiled at her.


“Really,” she said. I smirked at her.

“I know one thing we can do for fun,” I said with a wink. She raised her eyebrows and leaned down and we started snogging on the couch.


“Niall, shut up!” I shouted, breaking the kiss with Erika. Erika started to laugh at Niall’s reaction and threw a pillow at him.

“Get out you innocent leprechaun! You’re the biggest cock block of them all!” Erika shouted. I laughed and Allie, Deirdre, Zayn, and Liam came into the room looking worried.

“Niall, what’s wrong?” Deirdre breathed.

“I walked in on them making out,” he said in a weak voice. Liam hit him over the head and Deirdre punched his arm while Allie and Zayn rolled their eyes.

“You idiot! We thought someone was attacking!” Allie shouted. Niall just gave her puppy dog eyes and she softened a little.

“I’m sorry Allie, it won’t happen again, I promise,” he said sadly. I made a disgusted sound.

“Niall you act like you’re ten sometimes,” I commented.

“Don’t be a cunt,” he said sharply. We all laughed.

“Niall is Irish,” Zayn announced. The girls looked at him with confusion, but the boys knew he was referencing the video “The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction.” That was a good video.

Caroline ran into the room with Louis hot on her heels. “Guys, we think we know what Donny’s doing!” she announced. She had our full attention.

“Well we should probably get Spencer then,” I said. Erika stood up and took a deep breath.

“SPENCER GET DOWN HERE NOW!” she shouted. I raised my eyebrows and she sat back down.

“That was extremely loud,” I commented. She grinned.

“Thank you,” she said. Spencer bounded into the room looking worried.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing, Louis and Caroline have a lead,” Deirdre answered. We all looked to Caroline.

“Okay, so you guys know how they were in India? Well one of India’s main exports is cotton, but recently, they’ve had a low supply. I think that Donny’s been cutting down on the cotton supply, refusing to export it to other countries. With the shortage, people will have to give in eventually – ”

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