| how to embarass a math teacher, part 2. |

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Oh. Oh no. He's close. Very close.
Baldi felt his face heat up. His face was probably really red right now. "Um-well...er...", was all the teacher could manage out. Princi sighed, patting Baldi on the back to try and ease his nerves, "Judging from that reaction, you do. And it's safe to say that I like you, too."
Baldi was shocked. How? They had only been working together for at least two school years now. He had thought that The Principal hated him due to his temper. "How? I thought you...hated me..", Baldi said quietly. Princi frowned, "I...don't know myself. It may have been from the time you've spent in detention." Baldi honestly was sure he had a slight crush on him before he served detention.
"Say, Baldi...", Princi said as he placed his forehead on Baldi's, "We should do something extra special since we, well, like each other...". The teacher's face flushed, and he looked away, "N-No! Maybe later...". Princi raised an eyebrow, before smirking.
"Oh, so you don't want it? I thought the person with a very bad temper would be dominant, you know."
Baldi flinched. Was he trying to get him to release his temper? Princi continued, "Such a shame. Maybe if you had brought that ruler in here, you could've been less nervous." The math teacher's face was starting to redden more, but he was near his breaking point. "Princi...", he warned.
"What? Am I embarrassing you?" Princi snickered, "That seems to be a common thing between you and me, Baldi. Or should I say...", His black pupils stared right into Baldi, "...Baldimore?"
Baldi snapped.
The next thing Princi knew, he was on the floor. He could only stare at the teacher looming over him.
"If you really want me to be more dominant, you'll let me be the true owner of this school."

(i have no idea what im doing
i rushed to get this finished wheezes
see ya!

detention for you [ princibaldi ]Where stories live. Discover now