Chapter 30

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Marcelo: Omg I'm so nervous!! 🙀

Sergio: Me too, I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! 🙇

Luka: I feel like I'm about to puke 😷

Cristiano: I feel like I'm gonna pass out 🤕

Lucas: I feel like this is a dream and a nightmare simultaneously. 😖

Zidane: Too many feel here in this chat. 🙄

Angie: Ikr! I feel like I'm reading a 13-year-old teen's diary. 😂

Isco: Oh there she is!

Raphael: Mrs Bale! How you doin'?

Angie: Shut it Puta 😑

Toni: Aww someone is blushing!! 😍

Nacho: Man! The BaleWalker ship is strong and sturdy! 💪

Gareth: Quit being bullies guys!

Isco: But its fun!!

Angie: I did not expect this from you Fransisco Alarcon, smh.

Isco: 😤

Dani: Omg!! This is so stressful!!

Casemiro: Yeah!! 😭

Keylor: I agree!

Karim: I swear I'm gonna have a heartattack 😭

Angie: Oh c'mon now, you guys don't have to worry about anything. No matter what happens tomorrow, know that your family, friends and fans are extremely proud of you. I am proud of you. You guys have already made history by coming this far. And I know that tomorrow you will get that trophy too. So take a deep breath, relax and get some sleep. We have work to do tomorrow.

Zidane: She's right, you know. Now everybody get out of here and get to bed! It's a big day tomorrow.

Cristiano: Thanks Ang. You're literally an angel 👼

Angie: That I am 💁

Angie: Now get to bed all of you. Good night. 😴

Real Madrid Group ChatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon