Chapter 51.2, The trade

Start from the beginning

"He's alive?" I ask because up close Lynch looks even more deadly pale.

"Why, actually, yes. I think I deserve a little something just for that," Xavier grins.

I give him a death stare before walking over to Lynch in his wheelchair and crouching down.

"He hasn't woken up?" I ask.

I'm worried he might be strapped a little too tight to the wheelchair, and when I take Lynch's hand in mine, it's so cold. Only the intake of the oxygen mask lets me know that's he's breathing.

"No," Xavier answers.

"Did you guys feed him?" I ask and try feeling if Lynch's forehead is burning up.

"No," Xavier answers again and I give him a look that promises a painfully slow death.

Sean gets out of his car and the look he hands Xavier manages to even scare me. He didn't even know Lynch and yet this East-side driver knows how fucked up Xavier is for hurting Lynch in the first place. Lynch shouldn't even be in the gang life right now.

Sean scoops Lynch up - with all the wires and I help him carry the oxygen tank as he loads Lynch in the back of the car. Sean looks back at me and nods - he'll get Lynch to Liam that's waiting in the ambulance outside.

I nod as well - telling him he can go.

"You sure?" Sean asks. The idea to just drive off is shown through his eyes, but I can't risk Xavier ordering his men to shoot at the car. Xavier wants me dead - proven when he aimed that gun at me at the Northern ball, so he won't think twice to kill all three of us if we try to cheat him out of this trade.

"I'm sure," I answer and watch as Sean hessitantly climbs back into his car.

Before Sean can drive off, I hear Calvin say: 'Ask about Matt,' in the earpiece.

I turn to Xavier and ask: "What about Matt? Don't we get him back as well?" 

I can practically sense Calvin's tension on the other side as Xavier hands me this cruel, smug smirk. "Will I get something extra?" the devil asks.

I don't even know what Xavier expects of tonight. All he asked for is that I spend tonight here in return for Lynch. He could be planning to torture me, kill me or hell, read me a fucking book. None of that was specified, so 'giving something more' is raising alarms.

But then, I start to think about how nobody knows Calvin is gay and that he and Matt really love each other. I think about how Calvin promised to tell everyone he's gay when he gets Matt back and we're all safe tomorrow.

"Anything," I answer, "I'll give you anything for Matt."

I can hear Calvin's grateful breath on the other side of the earpiece.

Xavier lets out a cruel laugh and I really just want to punch him. "That, Amber Marigold, is a deal I will most certainly take!"

My own hopes get up, "So, you'll free him then?" I ask.

"When you say anything, do you mean anything? Have dinner, sleep with me, get tortured, kill someone?" Xavier asks.

I swallow the knot in my throat. "Anything," I repeat.

"How about joining the North-side gang and commit yourself to killing who I want you to kill?" Xavier asks.

My soul. Xavier wants to know if I'm willing to sell my soul for Matt's life. And even though my soul might be all that's left. This frail, useless thing is the only part keeping me here, I know someone who is truly good, deserves a happy ending.

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