Everything seems so new to Y/N, it is her first time go to the company. So this is the place where my brother trains everyday.. she thought.

As she take a closer look at the surounding, she find her gaze into a boy who's currently looking at her. He has a tall figure and looks so thin, she wondered if it's because of the extreme practice routine.

The tall guy is now approaching her and her brother who's talking to the staff.

"Hyung" he said as Seokjin notice his presence.

"Eo, Taehyung-ah" Seokjin said as Taehyung kept his gaze on Y/N, he furrow his eyebrow looking confused.

"Who is this hyung?" Taehyung said while pointing out the girl beside Seokjin.

"Oh right. Taehyung, meet Kim Y/N, my little sister. I want to introduce her to all the members. Are they in the practice room?"

"Wow hyung, I never know you have a little sister!" Taehyung take his step closer to Y/N as she just holding her breath. He can see that she is nervous.

"Hi, my name is Taehyung and you can call me TaeTae. I'm one of the members of your brother's group" Taehyung said with a cute smile on his face.

"H-hi. M-my name is Kim Y/N"

Taehyung pinch her cheeks and Y/N can't help but blush.

"Aigo! You're so cute! You remind me of my little sister, which I miss a lot. Well since she's not here, I'm gonna treat you like one, okay?"

Y/N just nodded shyly at the boy.

Y/N and the two boys are now headed to the practice room. Well, he looks really nice.. and not to mention, hot as well Y/N thought but she can't help to feel nervous to meet the other 5 members.

Taehyung open the practice room door loudly, causing all of the people inside turns their head to his direction.

"Tae, seriously you're so loud" said the boy with a small figure and chubby cheeks.

"Hyung, did you bring us food?" The boy with bambi eyes looking at Taehyung.

"I'm surprise you're not late this time" said the boy who's practicing his dance move, making sure they're precise.

Seokjin and Y/N are right behind Taehyung. Y/N hide herself behind Seokjin as she's peeking through his arm. Soon the boys attention fell on her.

"Hyung, who is this?"

The question caught Y/N off guard. She start to hold her breath. Seokjin start to move so her figure is not hiding behind his back anymore. Three pair of eyes are looking at her right now. How can she's not blushing when all of them look so handsome?

"This is my little sister"

As soon as those words left seokjin lips, the three boys start to surrounding her.

"Wah hyung, I never know you have a little sister before. Well, I'm Jimin. You can call me ChimChim if you want" the boy with chubby cheeks said with a smile and Y/N swear he looks so cute with his eye smile.

He looks really cute when he smile, like a mochi.. Y/N thought

"My name is Jung Hoseok. You can call me Hoseok or Hope! Or J-Hope! My soon to be stage name" Y/N can really see how much energy this guy have.

He looks like a ray of sunshine..

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook" Y/N thought that the boy is cold but when she take a look at him, she can see a pinch of red colour in his cheeks.

So he is shy..

"Jungkook just made a new friend! She is the same age as you jungkook"seokjin said, fixing his gaze to Y/N and jungkook

"H-hello friend. Nice to meet you" jungkook said without looking at Y/N

"Y-you too"

"Aigo! Both of you are the cutest thing ever!"

Not long after they start to introduce themself and start bombering her with the question, the door open, revealing a boy with such charisma, holding a pair of broken glasses.

"It broke again!"

The member could only sigh and then proceed to talk to Y/N again, ignoring him like it's an everyday news for them.

"Eo, who's this?" the guy tilt his head in confusion.

"She is Seokjin hyung little sister!" Hoseok answer.

Y/N thought the guy is full of charisma, but when he smile, you can see his cute dimple and now he looks so friendly.

"Waaah. You're so cute! What's your name? How old are you? Wah, you have similar eyes as Seokjin hyung. Is it your first time here? Are you going to watch us practice? Are you-"
The guy stop as Seokjin put his hand on the guy mouth, preventing him to speak any longer.

"Hyung, you bombarding her with question when you haven't even introduce yourself"

Seokjin put his arms back as the guy now said "Oh right. I forgot. My name is Kim Namjoon, and my soon to be stage name is Rap Monster. But I guess it'll be weird for you to call me Rap Monster, so Namjoon's fine"

Y/N just nodded at his introduction.

His dimple is distracting me.. It's so cute..

Right now all of the member and Y/N are sitting in the floor. The member kept bombarding her with questions. Y/N felt really shy with all of the attention she's getting. How can she not when six handsome men are in front of her right now.

"But hyung, why you're here? I thought you're in the studio room with yoongi hyung" the younger boy ask

"I was but then I think I need to practice more dancing" namjoon answered.

"Oh, that's right. You haven't meet yoongi hyung"

"He's probably sleeping right now"

A sound of door opening distract their conversation as their gaze now fell on it. Y/N turn as she put her gaze in the source of the sound now. She starts to gaze at the figure standing in front of the door and she swear her heart just stop beating.

A boy with two brown eyes met with hers. He kept both of his hand in the pocket of his hoodie. His gaze fell into the group of boys who's sitting in the floor. He starts to head towards them and tilt his head at the sight of her.

"Hyung, you're here"

"Hyung, meet Seokjin hyung's little sister!"

Y/N felt her body froze at the sight of the boy now in front of her, matching the height of her eyes as he stretch out his hand.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi. It's really nice to meet you" he said with a smirk plastered on his face.

And that is the story of how Y/N died.

First chapter! How is it guys? It's my first fanfic so I'm sorry if there's a lot of grammar error :D

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