Adoption day: chapter one (intro)

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home of the free, the sick and de-

I interrupted Chris Motionless's beautiful singing when my hand hit the alarm clock. Today was adoption day. Wonderful. -.- I hate adoption day. I get to see kids go out and I just stand there. I've been in this place I call hell for ten years and still no adoption. I blasted Blood On The Dance Floor. I chuckled because I was blaring Sexting. I love pissing my "sisters" off.

I dragged myself to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and let the cold beads hit my skin. Yes, I said cold. I don't take warm baths/showers. I was snapped out of my train of thought when I heard giggling in my bathroom. What the fuck? I opened the shower curtain to see Kayla waving my clothes in front of my face. I quickly turned off the water and tried to snatch the outfit out of her hands but I was to slow. She ran out of my bathroom with my outfit. Bitch.

I got out, wrapped a towel around me and ran for my outfit. "GIMME MY FUCKING CLOTHES KAYLA!!" I yelled as I chased her around the adoption room. Leaving the five guys unknown. "Come get em' emo slut!" she laughed. "I still have my virginity, unlike you!" I tackled her, the towel still wrapped around and snatched my outfit from her hands. I heard five chuckles. I snapped my head that direction. I swear my face went paler than it already was. Black Veil Brides were standing right there. In front of ME.

"u-uh uhm... e-exuse me." I got up and took my outfit with me and I basically ran up the stairs. Okay, this is NOT real. At all. I'm freaking out! I quickly put my outfit on and did my makeup. I walked downstairs to see all the plastics standing in a line. I rolled my eyes and slumped down in a big beanbag chair. I got my iPod out and checked my instagram, kik, twitter and put my headphones in for music.

I knew Black Veil Brides weren't gonna pick me so I just sat there blasting my music. I heard Kayla calling my name but it was faint. I ignored her. She went to kick me in the face but before she could I grabbed her heel and threw it out the window, creating, yet, another hole in the window. She screeched and ran outside to grab her heel. I'm REALLY awkward so I'm super surprised I even grabbed her foot. I usually let her kick and punch me but not in front of me favorite band I wasn't. I knew that for a fact. I heard my name called but it was by my social worker. I took out my earbud and asked her what she needed.

"Those men want to adopt you." she said with a smile. My jaw fell to the ground. This is not happening!

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