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     DO U GUYS SEE THAT ART UP THERE?! Cutest thing I've ever seen... 

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     " Alright!!!! Let's GOOO!!!!" Ike shouted into the house.

     The group was making there way to the east, to find Zelda. They took bags, just in case they would be gone for a few days. Pit packed the food, Peach packed the toiletries, and everyone each packed their weapons and clothes.

     "Wait, Ike what are we going in?" Link asked.


     "I said what are we going in."

     "I have no idea what you're talking about..."


    "Oooh." Ike said. " Come outside and see." Ike gestured everyone out the front door.


     They all walked outside, only to see a large motorhome. 


     "How did you get this..." Samus whispered to Ike.

     "Yeah, uh, don't ask." Ike replied.


     "Who's going to drive?" Peach asked. "Cuz god knows I'M not."

      "Relax Peach, I'M gonna drive-"

     "Let's just go already!!!" Link shouted. 

     "Jeez, aight then..." Ike mumbled. He led everyone into the motorhome and closed the door behind him, and took out a ring of keys from his pocket.

     "You guys have everything?" Ike asked.

     Everyone nodded.

     "Alright." Ike paused for dramatic effect. "LET'S GO GET LINK'S GIRLFRIEND!" 






     It had been 30 minutes since they started driving off. Everyone had been checking out the motorhome. There were BUNKBEDS, mini couches, and a table. Everyone was also wondering how they GOT the motorhome in the first place.

     "This is nice!!" Pit exclaimed.

     "A little too nice..." Marth muttered, feeling around the motorhome.

     "It's fine guys."

     "We are never gonna find Zelda..." Link complained, burying his face in his hands. 

     "We're going to find her Link..."

     "Yeah, like we're going to find the girl that got kidnapped in a flying ship, by taking the freeway."

      "There's an exit we could take where we could go off-road " Ike replied to the grumpy boy.


     Palutena sat on the top bunk on the bunkbed, looking at everyone. She was bored, nonetheless. Until she decided to see what Lucina was up to right now. She turned her head to the right where the table was, and saw the girl sitting there. She was sitting next to Robin, who was explaining to the girl what his book was about. Palutena saw the slightly bored look on Lucina's face, and grinned.

     'She wouldn't be bored with me...' Palutena thought to herself. She continued to watch the two talk to each other. The goddess saw Robin stop talking, and just stare at the girl with a slight smile. Lucina had the same smile on her face. Palutena felt a feeling in the pit of her stomach, and turned her head away. Her cheeks flushed red with a somewhat anger. Jealousy? Pat tried to think of something else. She jumped off the bunkbed and walked to the front of the car and sat in the seat next to Ike, who continued driving.

     "Ike, how much longer??" Palutena asked.

     " Just a little bit longer-" Ike came to an abrupt stop in his words. "Actually... Who knows."

     A face of annoyance came upon the Goddess' face.

     Ike saw this and said, "Why don't you talk to Luci then?"

     Palutena turned her head behind her. Lucina was still talking to Robin. "She's busy..."

     "Go amuse Pit."


     "Go play a game with him or something."



     It was an hour later, and they were still on the road.

     "Ike, where exactly IS the exit??" Robin asked.

     "Right here actually." Ike said. He turned onto a road that went to the right. 

     "Oh..." Robin mumbled. He looked to his right where Lucina was, now talking to Pat. He turned his head up to the ceiling, now bored. His eyes glanced back over to Lucina. He watched the girl that had a smile on her face. He loved it when she was happy. 


     Robin jerked his head up. "What, Marth..."




     "Hi Marth."

     Robin pulled a book out of his bag. He looked down at the words in the book, and glanced up when he saw Palutena skip along somewhere else.

     "Reading... Again?" Lucina asked, scooting closer to the tactician.

     "If you actually try to get into the book, then I'm sure you'd be quite interested in reading." Robin said, slightly leaning on her.


     "Guys," Ike called.

     Everyone looked at him.

     "We're here."

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