part 1

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"Dawn? Dawn! Hey, pay attention." I shook my head and looked at my best friend, Tammy, in the desk next to me. she smiled at me, making her green eyes glow, she pointed to the front of the classroom where our teacher was writing on the white board.

"Thank you." I mouthed, and she nodded, making her layered brown hair shake.

I sighed, I always hate gonig back to reality after a daydream, especially during school. Being a 15 year old in 9th grade stinks. I listened to mr. Herasin talk about Geomtry stuff. I took notes down, and glanced at the digital clock near the door every so often, the red numbers read 2:56.

"Class dismissed, have a good weekend." Mr. Herasin said. I got up and headed to my yellow locker down the hall. I spun the lock and opened the door, I grabbed my black backpack, stuffing my Geomtry, and Science Lab books in. I put the backpack on and closed my locker, I walked across the hall to Tammy. She had her meesanger bag around her shoulders, all ready to go. We started walking toward the door. We pushed tthe door open, a nice spring breeze hit us in the face, we had a little more than a month left of school.

"So what was the daydream this time?" Tammy asked, walking and ajusting her shorts and blue tank top. I smiled at her she was always interested in my daydreams. I heard our shoes on the sidewalk as we passed the busses toward our houses.

"I was daydreaming I could fly, it was amazing!" I said

"Was I there?"

"Yeah, we flew half way to Floridia, then you snapped me out of it."

"Sweeet, i wish we could go to floridia, Wisconsin weather can be so nice then bad. We'll maybe i'll lsee you tomorrow or something." she waved and walked up her driveway into her house.

"See you." I called then continued walking down the block, I nearly tripped, but i swear I floated for a second before cathing myself from falling. I got up, after tying my black converse tighter, and shook the dirt off my bare knees, and my purple tank top.

I turned onto the concrete of my drive way, and turn to the left once I was by the garge, I headed up the two steps, and felt like I was floating slightly again. I shook the thought away as I opened the door with the key, locking it behind me. My mom and dad were both at work and would be home in a half hour. I walked pu the steps and down the hall to my bedroom tossing my bag on it. I walked out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. I stared into my own what I like to call Camelion eyes, since somedays they looke blue, then green, or hazel, ect, from my reflection. My darker blonde hair, like Tammy's was layered, although her layers were more noticeable than mine. I flipped my hair to oneside of my face and hung it over my shoulders, I liked it that way, I thought it was nice.

I walked back into my room and opened my bag. I took out my science lab book and sat in the desk chair by my wooden desk and read the chapter that we were assigned. I finished just as my parents got home. I heard the faint sound of the TV as I closed my Science Labs book, and pulled out my Geomtry homework. I started the first few problems, then stopped. I headed down the steps, again I felt like I floated over some steps..

"Hi, Dad." I said, he turned in his armchair and smiled at me. His blue eyes gleaming. "Hey." His hair was the same dirty brown as mine. I headed into the kitchen to find my mom defrosting some hamburger meat. Her bright blonde hair was tied in a high up ponytail. "Hi Mom."

"Hi Sweetie." she turned for a second looking over her shoulder, so I could see her green eyes for a second. "Can you grab the bun out of the cupboard?"

I nodded anbd grabbed the buns from one of the cupboard. "Here." I sat them on the counter next to her as she took to meat out of the microwave. "Thanks." She said.

I turned to our black two door LG fridge, and opened it to pull out some water. I went back into the living room and sat on the couch and watched TV with my dad. I was only half paying attention to the screen, daydreamiong again, only this time I was flying up to the roof of the school and I sat watching the sunset.

"Hi." a voice said behind me in the daydream. I jumpped, back into reality...

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