I hate you

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We get out of the car and I go to my dorm room. Lucas chases after me. I stop and I look at him. "Yes Lucas.". He looks at me and says "I want to spend time with you. We haven't talked in a while." I shrug my shoulders "carry my bag." He shakes his head no. He puts his arm around my shoulder and walks me to my dorm. We get in my room and Lucas starts to unpack my suitcase for me. "That's nice of you Lucas."  "Well I know you're not going to do it so I'll do it for youe." I look at Lucas. I kiss his cheek over and over until he starts smiling. "I love you short stack." "I love you more." He grabs my face and kisses me. "Lucas You're making this complicated." I walk to the door and say "I'll be back."

I walk to Charlies dorm and I barge in. I sit on his lap and say "we need to talk." "It would be easier to focus on talking if you weren't sitting in my lap." I sit next to him and I say "what are we Charlie? Because I'm confused. And if I'm being honest I don't care what we are just as long as you're in my life." He smiles and says "then let's just be friends with benefits." He kisses me and I stop him and say "so you wouldn't be mad if I had a fling with Lucas right now." He shakes his head no and I push him down onto the bed and I kiss him.

I didn't let it get too far but let's just say I had a hickey or two walking back to my room. I walk back and Lucas isn't there. I text him.
M- where did you go. I miss you
L- I went to my room Maya. I can come back
M- please
L- I'm coming

Lucas gets here and I smile. I hug him. He picks me up and I lay my head on his shoulder and he says "are you okay?" "Yeah I just missed you." He lays me down on my bed and lay next to me. "What's happening between you and Missy." He shrugs his shoulders and says "nothing really. We haven't really talked since the closet situation. What about you and Charlie?" "Were just having fun." He hovers on top of me and says "so Charlie wouldn't mind if I did this?" He kisses me passionately and I kiss him back. We hear the door open and I fall onto the floor. I lift my head off the ground and I say "Hi I'm Maya your roommate. This is Lucas my friend." She looks at me and says "by the way y'all were sucking each other's faces it didn't seem like he was just a friend." My face gets red. "But you do you I'm not going to judge." I walk Lucas out of the room. I look at Lucas and I say "text me your room number and I'll be over there as soon as I finish unpacking my suitcase." "Okay." I give him a hug. "I love you huckleberry." " Mi amore." My face gets red again and I go back into my room to finish packing.

Maya walks into my room and my roommates jaw drops. "Hi I'm Maya Lucas's friend." "I'm Bradley. Lucas's roommate." He winks at Maya and her cheeks turn red. I bud in and say "Maya and I have to go see you later Bradley." I grab Mayas hand and we go to the cafe on campus. "Lucas you said we aren't anything serious." "I know." "Then why are you cock blocking me?" Lucas laughs and says "if you were in the same situation you probably would have done the same thing." "Fine." I order Maya her coffee and I start to drink some and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "If you wanted some you could have ordered your own." "Your greedy." "I know." She leans over the table and tongue kisses me. I wrap my hand around her neck and I kiss her back. "My coffee taste good." Maya says as she pulls away. "Come here." I pull Maya onto my laps and I kiss her. She says "Huckleberry we're not alone." I start to plant soft kisses down her neck. "Why do we have to be alone?" She lean in close and whisper in my ear "Because I'm getting turned on." "Well maybe I should stop before things get out of hand."


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