Chapter 1: A Period of Time

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     The paladins and Zarkon faced down on the barren planet. Dust was spread out like a low blanket on the surface. Keith shivered as Zarkon let out a low cackle.

     "Well don't just stand there, come and get me. Or are to afraid." Zarkon shouted. Keith clenched his fist in anger and was about to charge when Pidge started to stomp towards Zarkon. Keith released his hand as his eye went wide. Him and Pidge had never been super close, and they never talked much, but whenever they were standing next to each other, it was always close. Like they had formed an alliance against the others.

    Keith almost ran to get her, but Shiro put his arm out to stop him. "Pidge. Katie! Get back here!" Shiro called after her. She ignored him and kept stomping, her fist shaking in anger. Pidge was always so calm, it was rare to see her truly mad. Annoyed, all the time, but never angry. 

     To be fair, see had been acting weird the last week. She doesn't leave her room much, she had as Shiro to punch her in the stomach like 14 times. She cusses even more and will burst into tears at random moments, she has even less patience too.

    "KATIE HOLT! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND!" Shiro yelled. Zarkon looked at the small girl that approached him, and he let out a hearty laugh.

     "I this a joke! A little girl like you will never-----"

      "A GIRL!WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH IT! JUST BECAUSE I AM A GIRL DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T KNOCK YOU INTO THE NEXT CENTURY!" Pidge yelled in fury as she got 5 feet away from Zarkon. Zarkon's eyes widened, clearly confused and shocked. "AND ANOTHER THING, AREN'T SOME THE STRONGEST GALRA GIRLS! AND YET YOU STILL DISCRIMINATE! AND I AM SMALL OKAY! I AM TINY COMPARED TO YOU! BUT YOU SHOULD NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE SMALL!" Zarkon now started back away from the angry girl that was approaching. The paladins stare, flabbergasted. 

     "Easy." Zarkon muttered.

     "EASY! EASY! ARE YOU IMPLYING THAT I AM GOING TO BE EASY TO BEAT BECAUSE I AM A GIRL! DIDN'T YOUR MOTHER EVER TEACH YOU ANY MANNERS! YOU ARE TO NEVER GET ON THE WRONG SIDE OF AN ANGRY GIRL! DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE WHAT WE CAN DO! OR DID 10,000 WASTE YOUR BRAIN AWAY!" Zarkon was now almost against a cliff, he said something into his intercom, and a beam of light appeared on him, teleporting onto his ship, which promptly took off. "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! YOU BETTER RUN!"

    Shiro was the only one left standing. Hunk and Lance were on the ground holding each other, scared for Pidge. Keith was on his knees, shaking in fear. Pidge walked over to them, brushing her hands off. Pidge looked down at a trembling Keith, and something broke within her. She fell into his arms and began to weep. 

     Keith wrapped his arms around Pidge, and for the first time ever, he cried too. He buried her face into her shoulder and held her tighter than anyone ever before.

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