Sungjae's adam's apple bobbed, he's still unsure on what to do but he proceeded, "That's where Sooyoung works. We had a small argument and I just, I couldn't control myself, I was angry. . ."

The older nodded, he can finally understand what's going on that he doesn't need him to explain further, "Alright, I get it already but that will only make everything worse if we are to announce your reason. The public is demanding an explanation and," Again, his manager sighed, showing how stressed he is from the situation,

"You know you're a public figure, Sungjae. And choosing this always means you have no rights to commit mistakes."

Sungjae bit his lower lip.

Of course. The public.

The public always have a lot to say.

"I'm really sorry about this, Hyung," he apologized sincerely, not because he did that but because it created a fit and will surely result to a negative backlash.

"I'll see what I can do," said his manager before leaving him alone.

With heavy footsteps, he started walking back to his bed. He can't feel anything at all.

He knew this kind of scandal always creates nothing but a huge mess. And what's worse is that it won't only affect him but the rest of his members.

It's so hard to move and act around the kind of nature they have, specially when the whole country, the whole world, is watching the every step, every act they make. Loving them, hating them, and judging them as if they aren't humans like the others.

The world they are in have it's ups and downs. Spotlight might be overwhelming but it's also damnably despiteful at times.

Just like this, people are perhaps detesting on him now because of a 15 second long video without knowing what are his reasons behind. It's always been like that for them anyway.

Public only see what they want to see.

His phone started buzzing so he immediately grab it to see that it was Sohyun.

It's gonna be their first call after the argue they had.

He breathe deeply.

He put the phone on his ears, waiting for Sohyun to talk first.

"I know you're there. I can hear your breathings," her girlfriend started, from the tone of her voice, he already knew that Sohyun is not pleased. "Aren't you even going to talk?" she continued after a minute of silence.

If Sungjae could, he wanted to end the call to prevent more fights but considering Sohyun, she will take it differently.

And he really couldn't talk. He's also in state of shock that he doesn't even want to open his SNS accounts because for sure, many people are bashing him now.

Specially those who hates him without specific reason. It's like he gave them more motive to hate on him.

Yes, people like them exist.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to be rebellious? Huh?" she spat, every syllable is sharp, "Is it because of what I did? I told you I'm sorry, right? But what is this? Why are you acting like a kid?"

Sungjae frustratedly brush the back of his neck. "No, babe. I'm not being a rebel or anything, okay?" He tried his best not sound angry because if anything, he's in need for comfort right now. Specially from his lover.

"Yes you are! You are doing this to get back on me!" Sohyun accuses, even her voice is trembling from too much anger.

"Why do you keep on assuming things, Sohyun-ah? Listen to me first, okay?" Sungjae tried to keep his patience.

"No! You're the one who doesn't know how to listen! You're the one who's assuming things! You thought I'm trying to change you but I'm not!" she yelled from the next line.

"Babe," He shut his eyes tightly, still attempting to remain calm. "Aren't you. . .aren't you even to ask how am I doing right now? Or how am I taking things? Or. . .how am I feeling?"

Because that's exactly what he expects from her. To feel that she still cares for him.

There's a long pause before Sohyun finally answers, "My parents. . ."

Those two words is enough to make him feel mixed emotions but fury, fury, is on top of them.

"My parents saw the video! Oppa, you should've been more careful! They felt really disappointed and humiliated because of your behaviourㅡ"

"Damn it, Sohyun-ah!" He shouted, "I can't take this anymore! If all you could ever think about is your parents, your parents who's not even part of this relationship, then go! Get engaged to them!"

Sungjae is maybe out of the line this time but he's not going to stop himself today, "I'm tired Sohyun. I'm so tired of this. I'm sorry," he stopped.

As much as he don't want to, it's the best for the two of them.

"Let's break up,"

The Daughter ↬ SUNGJOY [EDITING!]Where stories live. Discover now