"Yep. Guess I'll see you and Mom there."

Like with Mom, I pulled Dad into a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He hugged me back.

"Watch for air traffic!" he smiled.

"I will," I grinned and headed out the door.

I pulled off my shoes and shifted into my dragon form and picked up the shoes with my claws and took off into the air.

On arriving at Sky High, I landed near the steps and shifted back to human form and slipped the shoes back on my feet. I smoothed out the dress a bit and straightened the collar on my jacket and walked into the school building confidentially.

I saw that homecoming was taking place in the gym since it was decorated beautifully.

"Ava!" Layla called out as I entered in.

"Yo A!" Zach whooped.

I saw my friends, including Warren standing next to the refreshment table and walked over to them.

"I thought you weren't gonna rent a tux," I said to Warren on seeing that he was wearing one.

"It's my dad's. He doesn't have much use for it in solitary," he answered.

I nodded. I could only guess Warren visits his father whenever it was possible.

"You look amazing Ava," Warren said noticing my attire, "More like yourself."

"Uh, thanks," I said.

I helped myself to some punch. I saw that Mr. Boy had a red stain on his shirt. I sensed that it was Lash's doing. My dragon growled a bit that even he and Speed were harassing the adults as well.

They should know better than to harass those in authority.

I mentally nodded, agreeing with my dragon.

"You okay?" Warren asked seeing that I was deep in thought, having a conversation with her.

"Yeah, I think so," I nodded.

However, I could feel my dragon getting agitated that something was about to happen at any time.

"Welcome, Commander and Jetstream!" Principal Powers announced the arrival of my parents as a spotlight pointed at their direction.

Everyone in the gym applauded as they walked in. I waved at them and they waved back at me.

"Good evening. First, a quick announcement. The owner of the blue cold fusion-powered jetpack, you left your lights on," the Principal said.

I noticed Mr. Medulla excusing himself to head outside, which confirmed to me that he owned the jetpack like it was a car.

"And now, please help me welcome the head of the homecoming committee, the girl who made all this possible, Gwen Grayson," Principal Powers added.

Like before, everyone applauded except for my friends, Warren and me. I just shook my head and crossed my arms. 

Even after getting dumped, she still has that sick grin. I thought.

I couldn't agree with you more. My dragon nodded with a growl.

"Thank you, Principal Powers. And a very special thank you goes to our guests of honor and the recipients of our first-ever Hero of the Year award, the Commander and Jetstream," Gwen smiled and more applause came forth.

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