Chapter 19

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Chester's POV

"Hey you wanna go to my house for breakfast? I can sneak through the window I'll help you down." Mike asks, still holding on to me.

I shake my head.

"N-no thanks Mike ... I'm not really hungry, and I feel like my mom would freak if she didn't know where I was, and she'd freak out if she knew I was with you."

"Alright, that's okay. Maybe I could invite you over to have dinner with me and my mom, say next weekend?"


"Okay, I've gotta go Chazzy, I don't want my mom to freak out and think I've gone missing. Text me with your answer and I'll pick you up."

I nod, and he opens my window, and gets ready to crawl out.

"Wait!" I say, hopefully stoping him.
"Can I have a kiss before you go?"

I could feel him smile, then he walks over to me and kisses my lips.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too. Be carful Mikey, I don't wanna visit you in a hospital again."

"I'll be okay Chazzy. Don't worry."

Then with that he leaves out my window. I didn't want him to leave, I hated when he left. That meant I was alone, and stuck with my homophobic mother.

"Chester.... Chester dear are you up!?" My mother shouts up to me.

I groan, she probably wanted me to meet her stupid boyfriend Frank. Great just great, this was gonna be a nightmare. I wish Mike could have stayed for this part, he usually knows how to handle things like this.

"Yeah mom I'm up!" I finally shout back.

"Come down a minute, there's someone I want you to meet."

I groan and walk downstairs, trying my best to calm down after what I had just heard like ten minutes ago.

"Now sweetie as you know I've been going out with someone for about a week now, you know after your father left you haven't really had a male role model in your life. So Chester I want you to meet Frank. Frank this is my son Chester, Chester this is Frank."

"Hello son, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your mother talks about you all the time." This Frank guy says grabbing my hand and shaking it.

"Oh I bet she does." I mumble.

"Now Chester I want you to get to know Frank, so the three of us are going out for a nice dinner tomorrow after you get home from school, so if you have any plans with Mike you better cancel them. And before you ask no Mike is not allowed to come with. This is a family only dinner."

I mentally roll my eyes. This was gonna be brutal, I didn't wanna have dinner with this guy, nor do I wanna get to know him. I have a feel for his personality after what he said about me. I also feel like the whole dinner they both are gonna be judging me, telling me I shouldn't date Mike because he's a bad boy, and blah blah blah blah.

"Okay, can I go upstairs I got some homework to do." I lie, I just needed a way to get out of here.

"I guess." She walks over and kisses my cheek.

I walk upstairs without a word and instantly pull out my phone to tell Mike everything. I was so mad, I wish Mike was here in person to help me calm down.

"Text From ❤️😘Mike. Do you want to hear his response?" Siri asks.


"Okay, ❤️😘Mike said that sucks man frowning face. But it's one night of your life, and I'm sure you can handle it. You're strong Chazzy."

I smile to myself, that response was all I needed to hear, and he was right it was one night of my life. All I had to do was pretend to care for maybe an hour. That didn't sound too hard once I really thought about it.

The next morning

I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming up the stairs for me to wake up.

I groan, but remember I get to see Mike today. Well it was only at school cause I had the dumb dinner, but still. After yesterday I really missed him, and he had actually homework to do, so I couldn't really bother him. Well it's not that I couldn't I just didn't.


"Yes!" I groan, looking for my cane.

When that's in my hand I walk downstairs, the smell of bacon, pancakes and eggs hits my nose. My mom grabs my hand and sits me down at the table in the kitchen. Then puts a plate in front of me.

With in second I start tearing into everything, eating it like a wild animal.

"Chester... Chester slow down you'll choke."

I swallow then say.

"Sorry mom Mike will be here soon to take me to school. I don't wanna be late."

"Honey Mikes not taking you to school today."


"Yeah I told you last night Frank was taking you."

"You never told me that!"

"Hey ... hey calm down Chester. I think it slipped my mind. But I thought it would be a good idea for you to get to know Frank if he drives you to school. Plus he works near your school, so he can drop you off and pick you up."

"But mom Mike always drives me to school."

"Well sweetie I don't know if I feel comfortable with you riding with Mike. I mean he is younger than you."

"And what does age have to do with anything I'm 17 he's 16 what's the big deal? And I've been riding with Mike all year. Why are you choosing now to go crazy?"

"Look I don't feel comfortable with it okay. Now you're going to do as I say, and that's go to school with Frank. Okay he's not Mike but you're going to deal with it."

"Could you tell me why you're not comfortable with me being with Mike all of a sudden. Is it because I'm gay?"

"Will talk about it later."

"No Damn it, I wanna talk about it now! Why do you have a problem with Mike all of a sudden?"

"Chester Charles Bennington we will talk about it later! Now if you keep asking about this I will ground you and take away your phone! Do you understand me!?"

"Yes ma'am."

I roll my eyes, why the hell did I have to be trapped in a car with Frank. God this was the worst. My day was ruined because I couldn't have Mike added to the start of my day.

"Okay Chester ready to go?" Frank said entering the room.

A/n: Well damn Mike can't come over for dinner, he can't drive Chester to school. What's going on here? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Why is Chester's mom so mad at Mike? Who knows. More to come in the next chapter. Thank you to my Grandma who helped me come up with this part.

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