65. Change

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Astrid sat in Peter's lap as everyone was in the Sorcerer's mansion inside of the hidden library, searching through the countless empty storybooks.

The Author and Regina was able to make the special ink work for his quill, but he escaped and went to Gold to fulfill his plans-- Yet, nothing has changed yet.

Regina suddenly snapped while closing a book somewhat loudly, "They're all still blank. Whatever the Author's writing, it's not appearing in the books. This is useless."

Robin grabbed the side of her face and made her look at him, saying, "Easy. This is not your fault."

Astrid and Peter shared a somewhat happy look between one another, actually happy for Regina and Robin dating.

"Even so, tomorrow, thanks to Gold and the Author, I can wake up a talking frog," Regina sighed as Hook spoke up, "At least you'll wake up."

Astrid bit her lip in worry, not wanting to lose her family and true love again. She couldn't. Especially when she was just reunited with Peter.

Peter ran his fingers gently through his love's wavy blonde hair and kissed her temple in reassurance.

"Well, there's not use speculating what he wants, we just need to stop it." Astrid spoke up with a light sigh, "And if there's nothing useful here, we need to move on. Find something else that can help."

August stepped inside of the library and moved over to group, speaking up, "I might know something that could."

David looked over at him in confusion and started, "August, I thought you didn't know anything more about the Author."

Astrid spoke up again, "He doesn't, but he knows someone who does. That's why I called him here."

Peter moved his arms around his fiancée and rested his chin on her shoulder as she glanced at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Who?" Snow inquired in confusion.

August glanced over at Astrid before answering Snow White, "Well, really two people... The man who gave him his power- the Apprentice. I met him once when I was living in Phuket. He was the one who told me about Storybook and that I should learn everything about it."

"And who's the other person?" Peter questioned the former wooden man as Hook glanced over at his adopted daughter who moved somewhat and wrapped her arms around Peter's waist.

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