Okay here's your actual chapter

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Hahaha you've been fooled, here's the real first chapter of this book!

I'm really bored, and I just deleted The Runaway because I realized that there's still things I need to fix up about the rules and stuff from where Vinny came from, and even then I wanna start from the way beginning of everything, starting from when he first got taken there, rather than when he ran off, because there was a scene I couldn't write.

I wanna also write a book about Nova and where she came from as well.

I just have a whole bunch of book ideas that I'm sure I won't be able to get through all of them.

I'm also going to try and be more active on here than I used to be, making more stories, uploading more art, etc. My account is already fucking dead as hell, but hey I wanna turn it around.

Alright, that was your actual chapter. Thanks for reading, my dudes


Fuckin Lookin AssOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora